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AAN World News: Takistan National Police Detain 16 Involved In Espionage

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AAN: Takistan National Police Detain 16 Involved In Espionage

The Takistan National Police successfully arrest 16 men for allegedly spying on the Ministry of Defence Council Minister Farhad Esme. The group of men have been alleged to have been responsible for the active tracking the Minister's routine. Evidence found within the reported household used as their safehouse revealed documents and photographs analysing the day-to-day ongoings of Minister Esme. Afghan passports and ID were found on the detained individuals. The Evidence in question dates back to Esme's appointment to Council Minister in late-2022. Shockingly, members of Esme's family were found among the collected data. Minister Esme directly accused the Afghan Government of organizing an assassination plot. Despite the Government itself not commenting on the situation. The Government's Public Relations Twitter account posted a thread counter-accusing the Takistan Government of orchestrating this as an act to rally support against them, notably calling the "Western Gangsters" the "Real Puppet Masters".


Takistani National Police Questioning Locals


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