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18 (UKSF) Signal Regiment is one of the more recent additions to the United Kingdom Special Forces Group. Alongside the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, 18 Signals Regiment was formed in 2005 when the need for them became apparent. The regiment provides communications and information systems support to the force components of the UKSF. Members of the unit are referred to as Special Forces Communicators (SFCs). The regiments tasks include providing signals intelligence and electronic warfare intelligence, maintaining communications and conducting its own personal security during special forces missions. Special Forces Communicators can also produce signals intelligence in the form of Light Electronic Warfare Teams (LEWT). Thse teams are often accompanied by members of the Army Intelligence Corps. LEWTs operate modern equipment to obtain tactical intelligence.

Special Forces Communicators are the first point of contact for a Team or Troop Commander for matters relating to Command, Control and Communications (C3). Special Forces Communicators are technical experts, in all matters of digital technology. Supporting Z Sqn as an SFC will encompass the following taskings:

- Ops Room Watchkeeper
- Tactical Signaller (S56)
- UAS Specialist
- Command & Control support to Troop Command
- Planning and intelligence

In order to be accepted into the Special Forces Communicator role, candidates will have to undergo Selection. This is similar to Joint Special Forces Selection. Whilst candidates for the generalist units are in the Tactical and Jungle Training phase, aspiring Special Forces Communicators will learn the following:

- Technical Trade Assessment
- General Support Comms
- Close Support Comms
- Conduct After Capture
- Military Training


About Us

Z Squadron is a well established realism unit with strong roots in the ArmA community dating back to 14th June 2019. Z Squadron emulates the Sabre Squadron of the same name in the United Kingdom's elite Special Boat Service. We are a United Kingdom based unit but accepts people from all over the world providing they can meet the attendance requirements of the unit and speak English fluently. Z Squadron holds its events every Wednesday and Sunday at 19:30 GMT/BST.

Z Squadron prides itself on being the peak of realism in the UKSF Milsim community. We prioritise maintaining a balance of fun and realism in both training and operations for all of our playerbase.

What To Expect?

The Special Boat Service (SBS) is one of the world's most renowned maritime special forces units, with a long history of tradition. Z Squadron is tasked with many different roles such as;

  • Offensive Actions
  • Maritime Counter-Terrorism
  • Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Applicants to Z Squadron will undergo a Joint Assessment and Selection, upon completion of the selection they will be assigned a patrol and moved onto further training modules to progress their career in the unit.

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