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AAN Breaking: U.S Embassy bombing in Candaldari, Takistan responds with force

J. Hill

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AAN Breaking: U.S Embassy bombing in Candaldari, Takistan responds with force

Images and reports have surfaced outside of one of Takistan's notable cities, Candaldari, following a widespread set of military activity by the Takistan Armed Forces (TAF). Following a recent car bombing the same night on the U.S Embassy for Takistan leaving nine dead and twenty-four injured. As the U.S reels from the incident, Takistan announce the mobilization of Military troops and activation of operations within the country in order to prevent further attacks from escalating security concerns.

Tonight, reports of military personnel within the streets of Candaldari have sprung up. Abu Hadir, council minister for the Takistan ministry of defence has stated in an official statement:


"As of only a few hours ago, the Takistan Military, Police and Special Operations Forces executed a chain of raids across Candaldari in response to the recent attack on the U.S Embassy, we are shocked that attacks like this continue to occur within our borders and are committed to preventing further escalation of concerns and worry from local neighbours to international partners. We remain fully committed to ending these threats before they can action anything further."

Residing Prime Minister of Takistan, and former defence council minister, Farhad Esme stated in his policies to follow up on security and preventative measures to ensure safeguarding of local and international partners within Takistan. It has been alleged by opposition leader Ahmoud Asaanh that the attack on the U.S Embassy is proof that the policies established by Esme's cabinet are merely smoke and mirrors to further place reliance on foreign partners such as the U.S and UK. Esme is yet to counter this statement officially however has held a staunch position in favour of establishing relations with the Western world.

Though no group has claimed the attack on the U.S Embassy, Takistani Military Forces have confirmed that the bomb makers responsible for the attack alongside counterparts associated with carrying out the attack have been arrested or killed in a large set of raids that have taken place tonight. With more images expected to surface over the next few coming days relating to the widescale operation.


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