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AAN World News: Large Withdrawal of Taliban from Takistan Border Regions after 7-Day Standoff

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AAN World News: Large Withdrawal of Taliban Soldiers from Takistan Border Regions after 7-Day Standoff

Today, news has surfaced from Takistan Border security indicating a mass withdrawal of Afghan-Taliban soldiers from the border regions, putting an end to a stand off between the two governments that lasted up to a week.

Council Minister for the Takistan Ministry of Defense, Farhad Esme has called the movement a "Total Victory", celebrating the withdrawal after his public statement today in Takmyr.

Takistan has been at odds with the Taliban-ran government of Afghanistan since the coalition withdrawal in 2021. The withdrawal comes after a built-up U.S presence in Northern Takistan, deployed to combat the active threat of ISIS-NT. The campaign spearheaded by the United States has led to a near complete dismantling of the terror group in the region, this has in turn bolstered Takistan's military development in the region, with the addition of a permanent base in the central regions of Takistan as well as actively paving the way to reinforcing relations between the U.S and Takistan.

The United Kingdom and Germany, two nations previously deployed to Takistan during the Global War on Terror, displayed initial intent to support the counter insurgency however this has turned into monetary support over deployment of forces. Minister of Diplomatic Relations, Omar Hamza Nurid has called the campaign a "Testament of Takistan's commitment to defending its soil and supporting international cooperation." This statement was supported by Esme as well as General of the Takistan Armed Forces, Paris Nusef.

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Z Squadron is a well established realism unit with strong roots in the ArmA community dating back to 14th June 2019. Z Squadron emulates the Sabre Squadron of the same name in the United Kingdom's elite Special Boat Service. We are a United Kingdom based unit but accepts people from all over the world providing they can meet the attendance requirements of the unit and speak English fluently. Z Squadron holds its events every Wednesday and Sunday at 19:30 GMT/BST.

Z Squadron prides itself on being the peak of realism in the UKSF Milsim community. We prioritise maintaining a balance of fun and realism in both training and operations for all of our playerbase.

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The Special Boat Service (SBS) is one of the world's most renowned maritime special forces units, with a long history of tradition. Z Squadron is tasked with many different roles such as;

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Applicants to Z Squadron will undergo a Joint Assessment and Selection, upon completion of the selection they will be assigned a patrol and moved onto further training modules to progress their career in the unit.

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