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AAN World News: Investigation on West Altis Governor, Michael Nichollis, deepens after Whistleblower publishes evidence publicly

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AAN World News: Investigation on West Altis Governor, Michael Nichollis

deepens after Whistleblower publishes evidence publicly


An investigation was deepened by the West Altis Police Anti-Corruption Wing after accusations of corruption by his staff and Nichollis himself are made public by whistleblower Andreas Polos. The accusation is based on Nichollis and his actions during the civil war that broke out in late 2021 to 2022. The document published online has detailed over multiple crimes committed by Nichollis from 2021 to the present day, more notably found in the document were the bribery and extortion of funds from the Altis defense budget in 2022. With funds up to 750,000 euros stolen, Nichollis used the support of the United Kingdom and United States as "the perfect opportunity to skim funds from the top" says the accuser in a five page document published on the social media network "X", formerly Twitter.


Andreas Polos, the whistleblower responsible for making this information known, was formerly a close friend of Nichollis, published a google document on X detailing Nichollis as well as evidence of his crimes. Notably, Nichollis confessed his crimes to Polos privately which spurred the creation of this document. Governor Nichollis has been in power since 2021, and has saw West Altis through the 2022 Altis civil war. During this conflict Nichollis extorted funds from the Altis defense budget up to 750,000. Following this up with the bribery of his staff to keep quiet about the matter. This followed on with his threats of blackmail against his own staff, detailing that if any of his staff were to speak up they would immediately lose their jobs and see possible "further punishment". Some members of Nichollis' staff were then found to also be involved in the matter when Altis split, notably members of Nichollis' green energy expansion were found to be actively defrauding the public with their mass expansion of turbine powered energy. This was backed by Polos' document which detailed how the idea came to be, based on Nichollis' confession, the staff responsible saw to install turbines across the north-west region of Altis, these turbines however are largely defunct and house sub-part / cheap equipment. This has resulted in power outages and failures across rural Altis that rely on the exports of power from these turbine farms.


The West Altis Police Anti Corruption Wing have stated to media:


"The Anti-Corruption Wing are committed to fully investigating all related evidence to Michael Nichollis' illegal actions in office, Nichollis has received accusations of more crimes after the publishing of an electronic document online. Mr. Polos' document has detailed evidence that can be perceived as 'damning' by the public, though we are taking these accusations very seriously we do ask those that read or have already taken in the contents of the document to take the details with a grain of salt until they are fully verified. Nichollis as of right now is still under investigation, with this new evidence it will likely extend the process of investigation as we will potentially need to re-verify evidence that our wing has already read over. We ask the public to have paitence and faith in our efforts as the process continues"

Michael Nichollis has remained under house arrest since the investigation opened in August of this year.

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