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  1. AAN Breaking: U.S Embassy bombing in Candaldari, Takistan responds with force Images and reports have surfaced outside of one of Takistan's notable cities, Candaldari, following a widespread set of military activity by the Takistan Armed Forces (TAF). Following a recent car bombing the same night on the U.S Embassy for Takistan leaving nine dead and twenty-four injured. As the U.S reels from the incident, Takistan announce the mobilization of Military troops and activation of operations within the country in order to prevent further attacks from escalating security concerns. Tonight, reports of military personnel within the streets of Candaldari have sprung up. Abu Hadir, council minister for the Takistan ministry of defence has stated in an official statement: Residing Prime Minister of Takistan, and former defence council minister, Farhad Esme stated in his policies to follow up on security and preventative measures to ensure safeguarding of local and international partners within Takistan. It has been alleged by opposition leader Ahmoud Asaanh that the attack on the U.S Embassy is proof that the policies established by Esme's cabinet are merely smoke and mirrors to further place reliance on foreign partners such as the U.S and UK. Esme is yet to counter this statement officially however has held a staunch position in favour of establishing relations with the Western world. Though no group has claimed the attack on the U.S Embassy, Takistani Military Forces have confirmed that the bomb makers responsible for the attack alongside counterparts associated with carrying out the attack have been arrested or killed in a large set of raids that have taken place tonight. With more images expected to surface over the next few coming days relating to the widescale operation.
  2. AAN World News: Large Withdrawal of Taliban Soldiers from Takistan Border Regions after 7-Day Standoff Today, news has surfaced from Takistan Border security indicating a mass withdrawal of Afghan-Taliban soldiers from the border regions, putting an end to a stand off between the two governments that lasted up to a week. Council Minister for the Takistan Ministry of Defense, Farhad Esme has called the movement a "Total Victory", celebrating the withdrawal after his public statement today in Takmyr. Takistan has been at odds with the Taliban-ran government of Afghanistan since the coalition withdrawal in 2021. The withdrawal comes after a built-up U.S presence in Northern Takistan, deployed to combat the active threat of ISIS-NT. The campaign spearheaded by the United States has led to a near complete dismantling of the terror group in the region, this has in turn bolstered Takistan's military development in the region, with the addition of a permanent base in the central regions of Takistan as well as actively paving the way to reinforcing relations between the U.S and Takistan. The United Kingdom and Germany, two nations previously deployed to Takistan during the Global War on Terror, displayed initial intent to support the counter insurgency however this has turned into monetary support over deployment of forces. Minister of Diplomatic Relations, Omar Hamza Nurid has called the campaign a "Testament of Takistan's commitment to defending its soil and supporting international cooperation." This statement was supported by Esme as well as General of the Takistan Armed Forces, Paris Nusef.
  3. AAN Breaking: Shocking Images Surface Detailing Standoff Between Taliban and Takistan Army at Border Minutes ago images surfaced online depicting a stand off between the Taliban and Takistan Armed Forces along the northern border region. The stand off was kicked off when members of the Taliban-Afghan Army crossed into a Takistan Border Force (TBF) checkpoint. The Border officers attempted to diffuse the attempted crossing however when Taliban crossed past the gate support was called. Nearby support forces from the Takistan Armed Forces were immediately deployed to respond. The standoff lasted for several hours, in response to the situation. Council Minister for the Ministry of Defense, Farhad Esme stated: The surfaced images depict the stand off between the Armed Forces, Border Force and Taliban
  4. AAN Breaking: Altian Governor Nichollis found among the dead in Zaros terror attack West Altis has fallen into crisis today after a terror attack struck the "Pine City" of Zaros, with news still flooding in the most recent revelation unveils the tragic killing of the Altian Governor, Michael Nichollis. He was found killed in his holiday home, within the south of the town. The terror attack itself has had no known claimants as of the posting of this article, however the West Altis government are pointing the finger of blame on East Altis, indicating that the attacks had many of the hallmarks of the Altis Liberation Army, now known as the Social Freedom and Independence Party of Altis (SFIPA). The SFIPA, currently governing East Altis countered these claims, stating: The incident itself consisted of a large explosion followed by sporadic gunfire between the terrorists and plain-clothed police officers. The attack lasted for two hours before the assailants fled the scene before support could arrive, with the limited resources the West Altis Police have it is likely that support from the Military will be involved. Tragically twenty-two people lost their lives in the attack, including the governor. As of current, Director of the Altian Cabinet of Intelligence, Mikros Orestes has taken the role of acting-Governor until the West Altis Government find a suitable replacement. West Altis Police stated that if anyone has any information regarding those responsible for the attack or any media depicting the people involved, to reach out immediately.
  5. AAN World News: Investigation on West Altis Governor, Michael Nichollis deepens after Whistleblower publishes evidence publicly An investigation was deepened by the West Altis Police Anti-Corruption Wing after accusations of corruption by his staff and Nichollis himself are made public by whistleblower Andreas Polos. The accusation is based on Nichollis and his actions during the civil war that broke out in late 2021 to 2022. The document published online has detailed over multiple crimes committed by Nichollis from 2021 to the present day, more notably found in the document were the bribery and extortion of funds from the Altis defense budget in 2022. With funds up to 750,000 euros stolen, Nichollis used the support of the United Kingdom and United States as "the perfect opportunity to skim funds from the top" says the accuser in a five page document published on the social media network "X", formerly Twitter. Andreas Polos, the whistleblower responsible for making this information known, was formerly a close friend of Nichollis, published a google document on X detailing Nichollis as well as evidence of his crimes. Notably, Nichollis confessed his crimes to Polos privately which spurred the creation of this document. Governor Nichollis has been in power since 2021, and has saw West Altis through the 2022 Altis civil war. During this conflict Nichollis extorted funds from the Altis defense budget up to 750,000. Following this up with the bribery of his staff to keep quiet about the matter. This followed on with his threats of blackmail against his own staff, detailing that if any of his staff were to speak up they would immediately lose their jobs and see possible "further punishment". Some members of Nichollis' staff were then found to also be involved in the matter when Altis split, notably members of Nichollis' green energy expansion were found to be actively defrauding the public with their mass expansion of turbine powered energy. This was backed by Polos' document which detailed how the idea came to be, based on Nichollis' confession, the staff responsible saw to install turbines across the north-west region of Altis, these turbines however are largely defunct and house sub-part / cheap equipment. This has resulted in power outages and failures across rural Altis that rely on the exports of power from these turbine farms. The West Altis Police Anti Corruption Wing have stated to media: Michael Nichollis has remained under house arrest since the investigation opened in August of this year.
  6. AAN World News: Takistan Court charges 16 men accused of spying for the Taliban Govt. The Takistan judiciary have concluded their month long trial of 16 men, accused of spying on the Ministry of Defence Council Minister, Farhad Esme. The charge comes after the group's arrest on the 12th of July. The group were alleged of being spies for the Taliban government. With documents and photographs detailing Minister Esme's day-to-day ongoings dating back to his appointment in 2022, it has been used as damning evidence in the trial. Today, Council Minister for the Ministry of the Justice, Amir Madak has clarified to the AAN and other news sources that this closed-door trial was administrated effectively. Minister of Justice Madak said to the AAN: The trial concluded with the charge of 40 years in a high-security prison with no parole. This decision was celebrated by the Takistan public, however, the Taliban Public Relations Telegram account condemned the decision, stating: Following this statement it has been reported that at least several people were killed in a car bombing in northern Takistan. ISIS-NT shortly thereafter claimed the attack. ISIS-NT have continued to exercise attacks across the border regions of Takistan, attacking border emplacements and government structures.
  7. AAN World News: U.S Government Announce Deployment of Peacekeeping troops to Takistan The U.S Government announced today that peacekeeping troops are to be deployed to Takistan after the investigation into the July 12th incident which saw the evacuation from the U.S embassy was concluded. The incident in question occurred in response to U.S Embassy staff member Mikaela Aubrite fled to the United States after committing manslaughter in Takistan, where Embassy director Neil Barone Taron was found responsible for intervening in the trial of which resulted in Ms. Aurbrite's transfer back to the United States. This sparked outrage and led to protest at the U.S Embassy gates, this protest shortly evolved into a riot and subsequently shots were fired in turn ending in a siege of the Embassy. The site was evacuated however tragically the siege resulted in the deaths of 18 American nationals; several contractors, five Takistani-Americans, two U.S Marines and four Embassy staff. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed to the press today that U.S peacekeepers will be deployed to Takistan to conduct peacekeeping operations as ISIS-NT, the terror group responsible for the aforementioned incident, has seen a spike in activity. With pleas of support from Minister Farhad Esme, the call was answered. Troops are expected to arrive in Takistan within the coming weeks.
  8. AAN Breaking: U.S Prepare for full evacuation of U.S nationals amid Niger Coup Tensions As the Niger coup continues to cause civil and diplomatic unrest, with threat of ECOWAS executing an invasion, the U.S Department of Defense (DoD) have established orders to evacuate U.S Nationals and potentially to prepare the subsequent withdrawal of all personnel for their embassy in the declining country. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has confirmed to news sources that the U.S troops based in Niger have been given orders to prepare to receive civilians and declared protected citizens within the next 72 hours. Despite this, the leaders of the coup have called for support from the United States once the dust settles in order to rebuild and re-establish civil order. The Coup D'etat was executed by Nigerien Miliary Officers, ousting then president Mohamed Bazoum in efforts to "End the regime" backing the statement with reasoning that Niger is under threat of several Islamic extremist groups following on with the decline of economic and social instability. The people of Niger have largely rejected the coup and have demanded the release of Bazoum by form of protests and social condemnation. the Economic Community of West African States, or ECOWAS, have prepared a "standby force" to execute an invasion of Bazoum is not reinstated to power. With the added threat of terror group ISWAP, or the Islamic State West Africa Province, causing further civil unrest in Niger. The Nigerien military have made efforts to suppress the extremist group, though with the added stress of the backlash of the coup by multiple nations the outreach of the government asset may be seen as unable to fully enforce civil order. Furthermore, it is suspected that Wagner PMC, formerly owned by the late former chef of Putin, Yevegni Prigozhin, have a presence in Niger to aid and train the Nigerien military. The AAN are monitoring the situation as it develops.
  9. AAN World News: "XRS" Drug Distributors Targeted In Gang Attacks, Says Police Analyst In recent days, distributors of the new drug known as "XRS" have been found to be targets of gangs across West and East Altis. The spike comes shortly after Governor Nichollis' speech announcing a crackdown on the hallucinogenic drug. The infamous drug has seen mass-use across Altis since early 2023. The Police of West Altis (PWA) have confirmed with the AAN that those distributing the XRS pill have been noted as a "targeted groups" by three of Altis' largest criminal gangs. No statement has come from any of the three groups however images by members of the public finding those attacked by the gangs spoke louder than any statement that could be made. Images, too disturbing to be published, surfaced online detailing images of multiple individuals targeted by the gangs in multiple states of severity. Displaying mutilation and levels of harm to the bodies indicating high levels of brutality. The East Altian Police Service (EAPS) have confirmed that cases of these attacks have appeared in East Altis territory also. Head of the Social Freedom and Independence Party of Altis (SFIPA) Vaso Mutatos, formerly head of the extremist group known as the Altian Liberation Army (ALA). joined Nichollis in the announcement, detailing his own message to residents of East Altis. Both heads of state announced a police crackdown. There has been a total of 13 confirmed killings on supposed XRS dealers. The gangs responsible are yet to make their alleged involvement known however media releases have confirmed that the attacks fit the profile of the three groups. Notably, 7 of the 13 deaths fit the pattern of the East Altian gang known as "Kraken", the criminal group have been known for their brutality to those who attempt to expose or defame the gang. The other two gangs; "Athira Vengeance" and "Red Olympus" were allegedly responsible for the remaining 5 murders. "Athira Vengeance", a West Altis gang has been on the rise after the NATO-involved drone strike on a fuel refinery, killing multiple aid workers providing support to displaced Athira residents during the ALA - NATO skirmishes late-last year. The gang now responsible for targeting foreigners has been a large threat for tourists since peace was established when the conflict settled. "Red Olympus" has been seen as a notably newer criminal group compared to the previous two. Responsible for the illegal transit of Altians across the border to either side the attacks seem similar to what occurs when the group are swindled by those attempting to cross the border for free illegally. With both police and government resources focused on stopping the spread of the XRS drug epidemic the involvement of these gangs has seen a shocking upturn in brutality and bares a large warning to distributors of the hallucinogenic drug.
  10. AAN World News: Garissa County Airfield Recaptured and Diplomatic Outpost Evacuated in Kenya Today the U.S Department of Defense announced their involvement in the assisted recapture of the Garissa County airfield in Kenya, the airfield served the Kenyans as the primary air corridor to Somalia, in the nation's own assistance mission to the African nation. The U.S claimed their assistance to the Kenyans after images surfaced online depicting U.S Military transport and personnel within the town of Shwasana. The statement comes three days after images first appeared social media and news networks. The statement provided by the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin: The United States has had a hand in security and training members of the Kenyan Defence Force alongside the United Kingdom and other partner nations. With the rise in cross-border activity by Al Shabaab warnings have been issued to settlements along the border region to evacuate or relocate as soon as possible. The International Development and Aid Project, or IDAP, have largely widened operations within the horn of Africa, dispatching humanitarian aid and developmental aid to the Kenyan populous.
  11. AAN Breaking: Aid Worker Executed By Al Shabaab In Harrowing Video In the early hours of this morning, African terror group, Al Shabaab streamed the execution of Altian aid worker, Demetiris Konstantous, Konstantous joined the International Development and Aid Project (IDAP) in late 2022, working in high-risk areas such as Yemen, Syria, Somalia and eventually Kenya. Though details on the matter are unknown with regards to his abduction. Konstantous appeared on an Al Shabaab livestream. Reading a script condemning the west and their actions in Kenya, notably the United States' hand in assisting the Kenyan Defence Force (KDF) with counter-insurgency operations. Due to the gruesome nature of the video, details on the stream will be only described if essential. The Livestream started at 3:30 AM (UTC), rolling the intro of Al Shabaab like any other terror group. The screen then faded in to show Konstantous bound and kneeling down in the center frame with two men, faces covered standing either side of the terrified aid worker. Konstantous then reads out a statement; detailing his name, age, home nation and a written speech regarding the west's actions in Somalia. Tragically after reading it out, Konstantous was then beheaded and his severed head held to the camera. Al Shabaab, despite not directly having large cells outside of Somalia have largely seen a spike in activity in Kenya after the Kenyan Defence Force continues to aid the Somali government in ridding the nation of an Al Shabaab presence. Recently Al Shabaab executed a raid on an airstrip in Garissa county, which locked down the flight corridor in to Somalia, the group has seemingly started a war of attrition against the KDF in the county, but holding the air strip and developing a presence in the area, threatening civilians at toll checkpoints erected by the group to extort money. The Kenyan government pledged a response to the sudden move by the group. The intent behind Al Shabaab's sudden mobilization is unknown however is fueled by years of fighting against the Somali and Kenyan governments for intervening in the group's attempt to erect an Islamic emirate in place of the democratic government.
  12. AAN World News: Takistan Counter-Insurgency Intensifies As ISIS-NT Tighten Control Takistan Council Minister for the Ministry of Defence, Farhad Esme has announced an escalation of operations by Takistan Armed Forces in North Takistan. Since 2021, the Islamic State North Takistan Province otherwise known as ISIS-NT have attempted to claim control of the northern regions of Takistan. As an ongoing threat to national stability, Takistan's Police and Military have commenced counter insurgency operations within the region in attempts to liquidate the terror group and remove its influence from Takistan. The nation itself has been in a state of opposition to any attempts at using more force than necessary in operations within the region. Notably, ISIS-NT have been responsible for a chain of attacks along the border region, opening gaps between Takistan and neighbouring Afghanistan, Minister Esme has called this an act of espionage by Afghanistan in plans to allegedly annex Takistan. The Taliban Governorate, despite being at odds with the Islamic State since taking power due to their attempts to erect a Caliphate the accusation should fall flat, however media sources and locally photographed imagery of supposed members of the Taliban's Badri 313 Battalion in assistance to ISIS-NT instructing the terrorists on how to utilize military ordnance has surfaced. Backing Esme's claims against the Taliban ran-government, no counter arguement or comment has been made. Takistan itself has been at a stand off with Afghanistan's Taliban since 2005, when the group in cooperation with Al Qaeda executed attacks across Takistan. Since the Taliban's recapture of control to Afghanistan in 2021, the two nations have been at a standstill, with all diplomatic attempts at finding neutral ground failing. U.S Military peacekeepers stationed in Takistan have been given orders to standby for potential attacks. With the developing situation, ISIS-NT have developed a slow but ruthless presence in Takistan.
  13. AAN World News: Altian Drug Epidemic Spreads From East To West Altis As "XRS" Drug Reports Spike West Altian emergency services have announced their plan to crack down on the newest hallucinogenic drug on the market spikes in popularity among dealers and users. The "XRS" pill has been seen in recent studies as a favored drug among East Altians after the Republic of Altis split into the East and West, weeks after initial studies and reports surfaced the illegal pill was seen among West Altis. The ongoing drug epidemic within Altis has been slowly developing since 2010, with harder and more severe drugs making the market. Dealers have seen lucrative outputs from dealing heroin. And with the addition of XRS, police have been advised to exercise extreme caution when conducting searches. Governor Nichollis, figurehead of West Altis, has announced to the West Altian Republic that with regards to the ongoing heatwave and now developing drug crisis that the West Altis Government are "Working to cover the ongoing developing drug problem West Altis has seen, our police and ambulance services have already been put out in full to cover our heatwave situation so it is likely to expect delays, if anyone is in possession or knows someone who has recently taken one of these XRS pills, please call emergency services or speak to your local peacekeeper." West Altis Police have been reporting staff failing to show up for duty as working conditions decline given the current environmental effects, with The Altian Ambulance and Medical Service (AAMS) reporting shortages of supplies and equipment to treat a plethora of issues. The AAN have constructed a set of information below to see signs of XRS usage, how to treat it and what to do if you know someone who may be in possession or selling the illegal drug, please do take into consideration if the person you are reviewing is seen to be aggressive or cause a possible threat to you in any way, you must use caution and call emergency services immediately if needed: What is the XRS Pill? The XRS Pill has origins dating back to the early 1980s, with a majority presence within the Middle East the drug has spread across into Europe and Asia. The hallucinogenic has seen more use in the 2010s, used in raves and festivals however criminal groups have used the pill for malicious purposes. Using those addicted to the substance to commit crime and in some cases sell it themselves to build up a supply chain. Notably criminal gangs in Altis have been seen utilizing the drug for their efforts as early as 2019. How do I know if someone has taken a pill? Physical Symptoms Nausea Dizziness Increased Blood Pressure Numbness in Arms and Legs Vision Problems Muscle Spasms Cognitive Symptoms Poor Judgment Delusions Hallucinations Psychological Symptoms Migraines after prolonged withdrawal Sudden decline in standard social interactions Aggression Irritability What should I do if I know someone who has or is selling XRS? Inform emergency services without alerting the individual in question. Ask the person what they are doing with the pill, if they intend to sell it, call the police and if they intend to take it advise them not to or call emergency services if they have already ingested it.
  14. AAN World News: Al Shabaab siege Kenyan military airfield, 17 Kenyans killed In the early hours of last night, Al Shabaab announced their claim to an attack on a Kenyan Military airfield within Garissa county. The attack lasted for several hours before Kenyan Military forces were ordered to withdraw, at least 17 members of the Kenyan Defence Force were killed in the attack. Al Shabaab called the victory a step to "prevent Kenya intervention in our mission in freeing Somalia". The terror group's main goal within the horn of Africa is to oust the Somali government in favor of erecting an Islamic emirate within the region. The Al Qaeda-aligned group have been responsible for attacks since its founding in 2006. Kenyan authorities have pledged to resolve the sudden move by the terror group as soon as possible, however with civil unrest due to tax hikes and accused police brutality the state of their response is questionable. British and American troops in the region have not announced any major move to assist the Kenyans outside of training and counter insurgency operations, as outlined in their separate deployments to the region. Locals in Garissa county have fled from the areas near the air strip in fear of exploitation or attacks by Al Shabaab. Garissa remains under a slowly tightening grip held by the terror group. As civil unrest deepens the expected response has not been seen yet. However the Kenyans have pledged a response.
  15. AAN World News: Takistan's relationship with Afghanistan, a history Takistan and Afghanistan have seen large political discourse since the Taliban Governorate was re-established after the Coalition withdrawal in August of 2021 with border skirmishes between the two nations escalating in frequency, the AAN have put together a timeline of Takistan and its history with Afghanistan so that readers can understand the developing situations more intimately. Dating back to 636 CE, Muslim tribes founded the Kingdom of Takistan forming a Royal Family banding the tribes together until 1219 CE when Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongol Empire subjugated the nation, forcing the royal family into exile. As a member of the Mongol Empire. The royal family, now in Istanbul under exile, remained in Türkiye for several centuries and eventually after the liquidating of the mongol empire. The land eventually became a part of the Durrani Empire by 1751, through the subsequent civil wars and foreign influences; in 1860, members of the royal family returned to Takistan, now under Afghan influence. Eventually seceding from Afghanistan after the family reunited relations between the split tribes, by 1892 the nation of Takistan was re-established and recognized by Afghanistan's King, Yaqub Khan. The nation remained closely connected to Afghanistan due to the religious, blood and diplomatic ties between the two countries. The National Flag of Takistan (1900 - 2002) After the Second World War, Takistan would seek to align themselves under the west as modernization slowly started to pick up speed within the country. However this was then reconsidered when the Soviet Union offered resources and security in exchange for access to Takistan's crude oil supply. As a result, Takistan fell under the Soviet's sphere of influence and received military surplus from the Russians, re-arming their Armed forces with Eastern-Bloc armaments and transport. The Soviets utilized Takistan's oil supply and territory as a launchpad to eventually invade Afghanistan in 1979, using Takistan's border to Afghanistan as an additional front to launch attacks from. Unknowingly involved in the conflict, Takistan received condemnation from nations that were opposed to the conflict. The United States and neighbours to Afghanistan and Takistan condemned the conflict, placing sanctions on Takistan, in turn crippling their foreign economy and placing reliance on Takistan's natural resources. As the conflict progressed the Red Army war effort was slowly crippled as U.S weapons were smuggled in via neighboring countries. In 1989 the Red Army withdrew entirely from Afghanistan. Takistan, now furious with their hand in the conflict, called for Soviet expulsion from their country. This was settled in 1990 when the Soviets reimbursed Takistan for economic damages sustained by the sanctions placed by the west. In 1996 the Taliban took control of a majority of Afghanistan, while their focus was to the north in attempts to take control of territory held by Ahmad Shah Massoud's remaining resistance, Takistan attempted to support Massoud and his allies by providing aid and leftover supplies given to them by the now collapsed Soviet Union, this led to the Taliban launching attacks on Takistan and causing an Insurgent presence in the country to build up, by 2001 Massoud was assassinated and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was established, still continuing attacks on Takistan for their hand in aiding Massoud's allies. The World Trade Center ablaze after two aircraft were flown into the twin-towers, New York City, September 11th 2001 After September 11th, the U.S called for Afghanistan to surrender Osama Bin Laden, of which was offered shelter in Afghanistan by the Taliban. On the 15th, while the U.S opened channels to discuss the surrender of Bin Laden without resorting to all out conflict, Takistan condemned the Taliban in efforts to be looked upon by the West to receive assistance in their counter-insurgency operation against the Al Qaeda cells active in Takistan of which were actively aided by Taliban supply lines. On October 7th, U.S Special Operations Forces initiated bombing operations in Afghanistan, during this period, the U.S Central Intelligence Agency's paramilitary branch, the Special Activities Division (SAD), were inserted across Afghanistan as well as Takistan. Takistan received covert aid by the CIA in order to remove Al Qaeda forces in the region. Takistan received further aid by members of the U.S Special Operations Forces by form of training and financial aid packages to support economic growth. At this time Takistan allowed the U.S to establish a base within their borders to use as a staging area for scouting operations in Afghanistan. With assistance from the Afghan Northern Alliance, Kabul was captured in 2001 by U.S Forces. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan slowly collapsed and fell into tribal control by provincial elders and warlords. The lack of a government led to the formation of an interim government in December of 2001. As the hunt for Osama Bin Laden intensified, Takistan assisted the United States by providing intelligence and supply lines to Afghanistan in order to aid the interim government. In 2002 Hamid Karzai by the Afghan Loya Jirga council to a two-year term as the Afghan Head of state, becoming the first democratically elected leader of Afghanistan. Takistan supported the Karzai regime and re-established positive relations while coalition forces conducted counter-insurgency operations through the War on Terror. The National Flag of Takistan as of 2002 In 2005, Takistan quickly fell into crisis when extremist groups with ties to Al Qaeda and the Taliban executed attacks on Takistan government positions, including the foreign embassies for the United States, United Kingdom and German. The attacks resulted in British and German forces deploying into Takistan. With rising counter insurgency operations in the region, Takistan suffered heavy economic damage, that including an incident in 2007 when the nation's largest crude oil refinery was destroyed by NATO forces due to insurgents using the site as a stronghold for ordnance production. Private security and development contractors assisted in the redevelopment of sectors damaged during the operations that took place in Takistan. In late 2011, the United Kingdom and Germany requested to establish bases of operations within Takistan borders due to the strained resources after basing their deployments to the nation of our Khandahar air base. After deliberation, the Takistan Government with approval by the Takistan royal family allowed British and German troops to establish bases in the country as they did with the United States in 2001. Continuing to 2013, the insurgent presence in Takistan largely fell apart and operations switched from counter insurgency to security & assistance. Non-essential assets to the UK, Germany and U.S would eventually begin a drawdown of operations, deconstructing bases and handing control of hard structures to the Takistan Armed Forces. With military support primarily from remaining special operations forces clearing up the remaining cells of the insurgency, Takistan began rebuilding and by 2015 fully re-established peace across the country. By 2021 the Taliban regained a foothold and regained control of Afghanistan after NATO forces withdrew entirely from the country. With the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan political issues occurred between Takistan and the Taliban Governorate. The Taliban believe Takistan to be territory of the emirate as well as being used as a puppet state by the west to influence western ideologies as opposed to the traditional Islamic lifestyle. Relations between the two nations fell apart entirely after the Taliban started targeting religious minorities and individuals who assisted the coalition during the Global War on Terror, in response Takistan opened its borders to those people under threat by the emirate. By 2022, Council Minister for the Takistan Ministry of Defence, Farhad Esme, accused the Taliban of planning an annexation of Takistan's northern territory after police arrested nine men with plans to destroy a border checkpoint in order to allow free travel without stoppage by government forces. The Taliban counter claimed that the evidence was fake and that the arrest was not related. Minister Esme has been a large figure of opposition against interaction with the Taliban since his appointment as Council Minister in 2020. In 2023 the ministry passed a bill to modernize its armed forces with Western Bloc equipment provided by the United States in efforts to prepare for a possible annexation due to training conducted by the Taliban-Afghan Armed Forces rising in frequency near the Takistan border. Following the arrest of alleged spies for Afghanistan tensions have risen to an alltime high. With the presence of the Islamic State and other terror organizations cropping up in Takistani borders, the nation has fallen into a state of militarization in order to counter the extremist threats in the region. Prominent Islamic State cell to Takistan, ISIS North Takistan (ISIS-NT) has been seen as the largest threat to Takistan alongside the alleged potential annexation of Takistan. On the 12th of July, 2023, the U.S Embassy to Takistan was evacuated after rioting turned into a siege as rioters called for the arrest of U.S Embassy station chief Neil Barone Taron after he was allegedly responsible for bailing out Embassy staff member Mikaela Aubrite from a Takistani court after a case of manslaughter. Takistan Council Minister of the Judiciary Omar Alid called for Aubrite's extradition; however Taron intervened and resulted in the appeal's denial. This resulted in a riot outside of the U.S embassy which then sparked into a firefight as suspected members of ISIS-NT fired upon Marine security forces. This was later confirmed to be ISIS-NT when members of the group carrying their mark flooded embassy grounds when the perimeter was breached. The attack resulted in the deaths of 18 Americans; several Contractors, five Takistan-American citizens, two Marines and four Embassy staff. Minister Esme alleges that the attack was assisted by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, supplying ISIS-NT and providing the attackers with false identities to embed without suspicion. The Taliban have neither denied nor accepted the accusation, raising tensions between the nations to an all-time high. With ISIS-NT continuing their strain of attacks the Takistan Armed Forces have continued their counter-insurgency operations while being hampered by unclaimed skirmishes on the Takistan-Afghan border. Neither Takistan or Afghanistan have claimed the skirmishes to be a result of their own. Due to the border functioning as a grey zone of unclaimed territory between Takistan and Afghanistan, as agreed by the Takistan Royal Family and Afghanistan's king, Yaqub Khan, in order to prevent disputes. Ironically this preventative measure established centuries ago has become a focal point of the Taliban-Afghan regime. As of August, 2023, border skirmishes continue and ISIS-NT remains a prominent threat to normalcy within North Takistan. U.S and British diplomats have announced their aid to the nation by form of monetary packages, arms and humanitarian aid for those displaced during the conflict. However, like Afghanistan the trend of consistent conflict is a torment Takistan now suffers also.
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