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M. Jones

Z Squadron
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  1. SPECIAL BOAT SERVICE The Special Boat service is the United Kingdoms premier maritime special operations force, formed originally in 1940 under the name of the Special Boat Section established by Roger Courtney MBE. The role of the SBS during this time period was to infiltrate a position via an offset swim or canoe/kayaking manoeuvres to get behind enemy lines. Once behind enemy lines, their mission sets varied and included Special Reconnaissance, Raids, Hunter killer operations and airfield destruction. Although 83 years have passed since their formation most of their core mission sets and skills have remained the same, however, some roles such as airfield destruction and seizure have been passed along to other command structures to fulfil. Z Squadron, 10 Troop is our primary national mission unit, with specialised operators who have undergone a long and intensive selection and training process, the Troop can operate anywhere in the world, by air, by land, by sea. The Special Boat Service is tasked with: - Offensive Action - Counter-Terrorism - Maritime Special Operations - Special Reconnaissance - Personnel Recovery - Support and Influence - Foreign & Domestic Security In order to be accepted into the troop, candidates will undergo Assessment & Selection. Following this, a candidate will be placed into a Selection Class where they will complete a 11 day intensive pipeline that will teach them everything that is needed to operate within the troop. Candidates will undergo the following Assessment & Selection Phases: - Briefing & Assessment - Aptitude - SOP & Tactics - Tactical and Jungle Training - Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape School - Continuation Training - Special Forces Jumps Course - Continuation Training After this, the candidates will proceed to the badging ceremony and be recruited into the troop and into their respective positions then will begin conducting employment training before their first deployment cycle. "Real strength Strikes From The Shadows"

About Us

Z Squadron is a well established realism unit with strong roots in the ArmA community dating back to 14th June 2019. Z Squadron emulates the Sabre Squadron of the same name in the United Kingdom's elite Special Boat Service. We are a United Kingdom based unit but accepts people from all over the world providing they can meet the attendance requirements of the unit and speak English fluently. Z Squadron holds its events every Wednesday and Sunday at 19:30 GMT/BST.

Z Squadron prides itself on being the peak of realism in the UKSF Milsim community. We prioritise maintaining a balance of fun and realism in both training and operations for all of our playerbase.

What To Expect?

The Special Boat Service (SBS) is one of the world's most renowned maritime special forces units, with a long history of tradition. Z Squadron is tasked with many different roles such as;

  • Offensive Actions
  • Maritime Counter-Terrorism
  • Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Applicants to Z Squadron will undergo a Joint Assessment and Selection, upon completion of the selection they will be assigned a patrol and moved onto further training modules to progress their career in the unit.

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