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J. Walsh

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Everything posted by J. Walsh

  1. IP AAN World News: Farhad Esme re-elected as Takistan's Prime Minister following landslide victory in the Takistani general election Candaldari, July 12, 2024 - Prime Minister Farhad Esme has won a decisive victory in Takistan's general election, marking a historic moment in the nation's political landscape. The election, held yesterday, saw a voter turnout of 64%, with citizens from all walks of life casting their ballots. Esme's Party, the Democratic Party for Takistan (DPT) secured an overwhelming 79% of the parliamentary seats, leaving the opposition with a shock defeat. This result highlights widespread support for Esme's policies. Farhad Esme is a man who has been at the forefront of the media regarding Takistan's recent history, notably for his stance on terror organisations as well as Taliban aggression in the region. Opposition leader, Jalali Imarikhan has called the appointment an act of fraud. Imarikhan has stated that the elections were rigged by Western powers to ensure that a pro-Western government is in the region. There is no credible evidence to support this statement, with many attributing it to Imarikhan's upset at the loss of the general election. The newly elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Keir Starmer, called Prime Minister Esme to personally congratulate him on his victory and re-affirm British military commitments to Takistan.
  2. Z SQUADRON STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 1 - Candidates, Recruits and Training Policy 1.1 - Training & Attendance Regulations Recruits/Candidates in training cells are to attend all training sessions to pass out within the dates set by their commanding officer, we advise recruits to acknowledge procedures taken in the information package given to them upon going through the recruitment process. Failure to do so can result in an AWOL (Absent Without Leave). 1.2 - UKSF Candidacy Policy Candidates must wear the uniform and equipment allocated to them. Violation of this, will result in RTU. 'RTU' stands for 'Returned To Unit', this means that the Candidate will be withdrawn from selection and has one more chance to correctly attempt UKSF Selection. The Candidate must camo their face correctly and must follow the correct naming format. Kit lists for each phase will be allocated at the beginning. Any violation of SOP during Candidacy will result in non negotiable RTU. 2 - Unit Equipment Policy 2.1 - Uniform Regulations Uniform regulation is the Z Squadron uniform policy. Under the policy, all regiments and squadrons are to hereby wear/utilise the correct uniform, gear and weapon system(s). If found not abiding by the policy, it can lead to removal of custom equipment. 2.2 - Custom Uniform and Equipment Every member of Z Squadron is entitled to custom equipment upon completion of their candidacy period. A Marine is entitled to utilise the kit request features on the website for their kit. If they would like a specific item that is not on the request, they may contact a member of G-6 Communications to alter this or see if the item is available. Some kit may be deemed under "private purchase" such as custom camo Crye G3s. Private Purchase equipment (anything that would not be issued to a member of the UKSF) can be requested and decided upon by G-6 or any other involved parties. Any member of Z Squadron must uphold a realistic attitude when it comes to choosing the kit they'll wear. 2.3 - Weapon System Regulation The soldier's weapon system will be assigned to them by their armourer upon passing selection. Every Marine will be allocated a Colt Canada L119A2 with 10" and 16" upper handguards/barrels. The Marine can change the weapon furniture of the L119A2 to some degree. The stock and grip can be swapped out for other appropriate attachments. The weapon system can be sprayed/painted as to how the Marine prefers it as long as obscene or unrealistic imagery aren't applied. Every Marine will be qualified on the use of heavy weapons, MG trained etc. This means they can use the Mk46, Mk48 or L7A2 GPMG. For specific operations, the Sig Sauer MCX, HK416, MP5K and MP9 may also be allocated. 2.4 - Enemy Weapon Systems Under certain circumstances, a Marine may be required to take an enemy weapon system. Marines can utilise an enemy weapon system under the grounds that their issued weapon system fails or they run out of ammunition and can not resupply they may use an enemy weapon system. It is paramount that the sidearm is utilised before attempting to grab a weapon system. The Marine must keep their issued weapon system even if it has suffered critical weapon failure. 3 - Communication Policy 3.1 - Communication Misue Communication misuse is to intentionally misuse our communication platforms at someone or the unit's expense. This includes: - Repetitive and annoying noises in Teamspeak, Discord or Arma 3. - Playing a soundboard in Teamspeak, Discord or Arma 3. - Posting the same message over and over in Teamspeak, Discord or Arma 3. - "Ear-rape" in Teamspeak, Discord or Arma 3. - Use of the global or side chat feature in Arma 3. 3.2 - Bullying and Racism Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Racism is the act of prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group. Bullying and Racism will not be tolerated and will result in RTU. 3.3 - Counter Recruiting and Advertisement Counter recruitment is when you post material that could recruit or draw an audience to another group or milsim as well as messaging any personnel to invite them to a group or milsim. This is not allowed and will result in RTU. 3.4 - Inappropriate Material Inappropriate material means material that deals with matters such as sex, cruelty or violence in a manner that is likely to offend someone. If someone reports this as offensive then it can result in a general warning or RTU. 3.5 - Confidential Information If information is being passed through command or is told to you in confidence, it is strictly forbidden to pass on the information without permission. Spreading information about another player will result in an immediate RTU. This includes: - Spreading of private information. - Spreading of photos/videos without owner's permission. - Information a person has not given you permission to discuss with others. 3.6 - Community Friends Should an external guest wish to become a Community Friend they must represent themselves or the community they represent well, respecting and abiding by our communication policy. 3.7 - Monetisation Using any of Z Squadron's communication platforms for financial gain will result in instant RTU. Whether this is asking for donations or charging other members for unit related matters, it is strictly forbidden. 3.8 - Locked Channels If one joins a locked channel without the channel owner's permission it will result in a warning. Even if the password is known, the waiting room must be used. 4 - Administrative Policy Enlistment Policy All candidates must complete an application on the website, as well as completing a small interview on Teamspeak with a member of the G-8 Recruitment Team. If a Candidate fails to complete their application or miss their interview they'll be given another chance to correct this. 4.2 - Chain of Command All players must respect the chain of command. Failure to do so will result in a warning. The chain of command consists of: - Troop Commander - Troop Sergeant - Patrol Commander - Patrol 2iC The chain of command closely interlinks with the Staff Shops of the unit (see below): - J-1 Personnel - The general administration of the members of the unit. - J-2 Military Intelligence - Responsible for preparing the intel required for the Troop. - J-3 Operations - The Staff Shop responsible for issuing the orders to the Troop Sergeant and subsequently the Troop. - J-4 Logistics - Distribution of equipment, ammunition, vehicles and other logistical factors. - J-5 Strategic Planning - The leadership of Z Squadron. - J-6 Communication - Anything pertaining to the technological side of the Z Squadron (mods, website, servers). - J-7 Training - The specialists who train others in their field of knowledge. - J-8 Recruitment - Responsible for recruitment into the Troop. - J-9 CIMIC - Multi-media administration. 4.3 - Resignation All personnel who wish to resign from the unit will have to undergo the process of being discharged. This includes: - Contacting the next person up your chain of command. - Removal of tags and unit access. - Official removal. If someone who has previously resigned from the unit wishes to join back, they may do so within 3 months but will be required a small catchup. 4.4 - Leave of Absence Request Should a member wish to take leave, they must do so via the relevant Leave of Absence Request. Said requests are located on the discord of Z Squadron. Each necessary patrol/element will have a Leave of Absence Request, where one can copy the provided template and submit a request. The request must be approved by the superior in the chain of command. Should it be denied, you will face a warning for attendance. If the LOA is over two weeks, an extended LOA must be taken. This will have to be specified. When taking an eLOA, you will temporarily lose your guaranteed preferred spot in your patrol. Grounds for denial are as follows: - Offensive language in the request. - Request submitted less than 6 hours within event time. - Failing to follow the template. - Posting in the wrong area. An LOA can be taken for various circumstances, this is primarily real life incidents and events. LOAs can only be taken six hours before an event on the day. Posting after this will result in an LOA warning. Not posting at all will result in a red LOA warning. If unsure as to whether attending an event, post an LOA and attend if available. There are three different LOA Warnings in Z Squadron: - LOA Warning, this is issued when somebody posts an LOA within six hours prior to the event occuring. LOA Warnings can stack and upon two LOA Warnings, one Red LOA Warning will be given. LOA Warnings expire after one month. - Red LOA Warning, a red LOA warning is issued when a member fails to post an LOA and misses an event. Red LOA warnings expire after one month. Both of these warnings can be appealed to Troop Command if the individual finds the punishment unfair. - Attendance Warning, an Attendance Warning may be issued when a member has less than seventy percent overall attendance. This can also be issued when they have less than seventy five percent attendance on home rotation. After receiving an attendance warning, there will be an eight event period where the receiver can use to improve their attendance. If not done, they will be RTU. 4.5 - Detachment Transfer Request Should someone wish to transfer detachments, they must submit a request via the sub forum located on the website. A Detachment Transfer Request has to be approved by both parties commanding officers. Should it be denied, the requestee may reapply in 2 weeks. 4.6 - Multiclanning Policy Multiclanning is defined by us as being in another modern, serious openly recruiting MilSim or Realism Unit. Friend groups are allowed. J-5 clarify on multiclanning rule if there are any queries. 5 - Operational Policy 5.1 - Deployment This covers everything to do with deployment and spin up operations and how you should act when on deployment. You should always uphold a professional and competent attitude when on the server, you set the example for your peers no matter your role within the unit. - Blue on Blue, this refers to when a friendly soldier shoots or inflicts harm upon another friendly soldier or target. If by accident, it will be dismissed. If done on purpose, it will result in removal of weapon system priviliges. - Drugs and Alcohol, Alcohol and Drug abuse will not be tolerated whilst on the server and will result in removal from the server. Passive drinking is permitted but intoxication is not. - Extra mods, adding extra mods to your game is mostly forbidden, client side mods are acceptable within reason, for example using an audio pack mod or kit sorting mod. Anything that gives an advantage or cheats the game will result in removal of kit priviliges. - Attendance, Sunday ops are mandatory. Along with designated training days, if you can not attend an operation then you must post an LOA. - Global and Side Chat, these chats should only be used when you are stuck or need help and can't directly contact anyone who is able to help. If this is used for anything else it will result in a minor infraction. 6 - Promotion Process 6.1 - Promotions A Marine can be promoted after two months in the unit. They must undergo the Junior Command Course in order to receive this promotion. The highest attainable rank by a SC3 is Lance Corporal. An SC2 may advance from Marine to Corporal. There is opportunity for SC1 to advance the ranks from Corporal to Sergeant.
  3. AAN: Colombian Conflict reignites as two biggest paramilitary groups go head-to-head The situation in Colombia is dire as two of the largest paramilitary factions in Colombia are preparing to fight head to head. The Gulf Clan Drug Cartel (AGC) has accused the National Liberation Army (ELN) of provoking them through an armed attack on one of their outposts. Whilst the ELN have denied this, the AGC have presented proof which will be shown in this article. Since the event took place last night, the Gulf Clan have reportedly mobilised sicario and soldados primarily in the Monteria province where the incident occurred. A huge spike of armed convoys as well as gunmen patrolling the streets is evident to our correspondent in Colombia. There has been no official statement from the Colombian government but it is believed they are also preparing to combat skirmishing and fighting between the two factions, specifically in cities where the population or infrastructure might be vulnerable. We have reached out to Gustavo Pedro for a statement but have yet to receive a response. Seen below, an image of an ELN member on site of the recent attack against the AGC. The individual is wearing the staple armband of an ELN soldier but is also sporting a camouflaged ballistic helmet. The likes of which are not often seen worn by regular paramilitary or cartel members. Pairing this with the night vision goggles, it is believed that this is an elite soldier in the ELN. ELN Elite Soldier seen on site of an attack against the AGC:
  4. SPECIAL FORCES TRAINING COMMAND The Special Forces Training Command (MAB12) is a recent addition to United Kingdom Special Forces having been created in 2017. The unit is comprised of senior members of the United Kingdom Special Forces Group with the primary goal of monitoring Special Forces Candidates through all the phases of selection. They also teach 'badged' members during the SERE, surveillance & reconnaissance and counter terror phases of selection. In Z Squadron, the Special Forces Training Centre consists of senior Troop leaders who will: - Run sessions of selection - Assess aspiring Candidates - Track the progress of each Candidate - Track the strengths and weaknesses of Candidates - Make a culminary decision on the passing of a Candidate or the RTU of them To become a member of the Special Forces Training Centre, you must: - Be permanent SF cadre - Approved by head of J-7 Training to run sessions - Subject Matter Expert on at least one of the Specialist Qualifications in the unit
  5. SPECIAL FORCES ROTARY Special Forces Rotary (also called the Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing) are a joint Royal Air Force and British Army service organisation that coordinates the provision of aviation support to the United Kingdom Special Forces Group. The Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing was established in 2001. The Army's contribution to JSFAW is No. 658 Squadron Army Air Corps who primarily fly the Dauphin or "Blue Thunder" flight. The Royal Air Force flight is No. 7 Squadron that fly the Boeing Chinook HC6. In 2018, No. 657 Squadron Army Air Corps was disbanded and the SF Wildcat flight was formed. Special Forces Rotary Pilots are expected to provide: - Troop Transport - Covert Operations - Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance - Rotary CAS - RPAS CAS - Fixed Wing CAS - Medical Response Team Capability - Maritime Special Operations Capability To become a pilot in the Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing, a candidate will have to undergo flight training and pass a certain amount of flight hours. The following will have to be undertaken: - Basic Ground Skills - Escape and Evasion Training - Elementary Flight Training - Further Flight Training - Finalising Flight Training - Flight Training Assessment.
  6. 18 (UKSF) SIGNALS REGIMENT 18 (UKSF) Signal Regiment is one of the more recent additions to the United Kingdom Special Forces Group. Alongside the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, 18 Signals Regiment was formed in 2005 when the need for them became apparent. The regiment provides communications and information systems support to the force components of the UKSF. Members of the unit are referred to as Special Forces Communicators (SFCs). The regiments tasks include providing signals intelligence and electronic warfare intelligence, maintaining communications and conducting its own personal security during special forces missions. Special Forces Communicators can also produce signals intelligence in the form of Light Electronic Warfare Teams (LEWT). Thse teams are often accompanied by members of the Army Intelligence Corps. LEWTs operate modern equipment to obtain tactical intelligence. Special Forces Communicators are the first point of contact for a Team or Troop Commander for matters relating to Command, Control and Communications (C3). Special Forces Communicators are technical experts, in all matters of digital technology. Supporting Z Sqn as an SFC will encompass the following taskings: - Ops Room Watchkeeper - Tactical Signaller (S56) - UAS Specialist - Command & Control support to Troop Command - Planning and intelligence In order to be accepted into the Special Forces Communicator role, candidates will have to undergo Selection. This is similar to Joint Special Forces Selection. Whilst candidates for the generalist units are in the Tactical and Jungle Training phase, aspiring Special Forces Communicators will learn the following: - Technical Trade Assessment - General Support Comms - Close Support Comms - Conduct After Capture - Military Training
  7. AAN: The Altian Conflict - Six Months On Six months have passed since the island of Altis achieved a historic ceasefire agreement with the Altian Liberation Army, and the western side of the island is now basking in an atmosphere of peace, progress, and newfound hope. The cessation of hostilities has paved the way for significant developments in various aspects of Altis's society and industry, demonstrating the resilience and determination of its people. Following the ceasefire, The Republic of Altis embarked on a journey of healing and rebuilding. Political reforms have taken center stage, with efforts by Governor Michail Nicollis to reduce corruption and political espionage. Governor Nicollis is approaching the end of his current term and likely to be in office for another. Economically, Altis has witnessed a resurgence since the ceasefire. Domestic and international investors have shown renewed interest in the island, recognizing its potential for growth and development. Infrastructure projects have been initiated to improve transportation networks, enhance access to basic services, and connect remote communities to the economic mainstream. The tourism sector, once affected by the conflict, is experiencing a remarkable revival. Altis's natural beauty and cultural heritage are once again attracting visitors from around the world. Tourism revenues are being reinvested into local communities, creating jobs and fostering sustainable development. Education and healthcare, which suffered during the conflict, have received significant attention in the post-ceasefire period. Schools and hospitals have been rebuilt and equipped with modern facilities, ensuring access to quality education and healthcare services for all Altis residents. Scholarships and vocational training programs have been introduced to empower the island's youth and provide them with opportunities for a brighter future. The international community has continued to support the Republic of Altis in its transition to peace and stability. Aid organizations such as the International Development & Aid Project and donor countries have provided financial assistance and technical expertise to bolster Altis's development efforts. Partnerships have been forged in areas such as infrastructure development, capacity building, and environmental conservation. Alpha Checkpoint - the primary border checkpoint between the Republic of Altis and Free Independent Altis The Altis Liberation Army shortly rebranded to the Freedom and Independence Army after establishing the state of a similar name. Since the ceasefire, miltiary activities have dwindled down and there has not been a single engagement between either of the two militaries. In accordance with the ceasefire treaty, civilian freedom of movement has remained paramount to foster trade and bolster the economies of both states. The Republic of Altis and Free Independent Altis have both worked in conjunction to increase the number of checkpoints along the border to support this. Much how the Republic of Altis has received immense western aid from nations such as the United States, United Kingdom and Greece, Free Independent Altis has received massive investment from China and is believed to be involved in the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. International investment in both states are soaring and the GDP of the nations have almost surpassed pre-conflcit levels.
  8. SPECIAL FORCES MEDIC The Special Forces Medic is the latest role addition to the United Kingdom Special Forces Group. Formed in the late 2010s, the need for the Special Forces Medic became apparent in Special Forces due to the lack of personnel taking pre-existing combat medical technician roles. Special Forces Medics are assigned at a Squadron level as part of a Close Support Cell and from there are dished out to Troops as and when they're needed. This Close Support Cell is usually led by a Medical Officer who organises and tasks the Special Forces Medics working underneath him. The Special Forces Medic role has taken many of the tasks of the predecessor Medical Support Unit, leaving the latter to be more administration based. Special Forces Medics will often be found at the back of the stack to ensure they're safe to render medical aid if need be. The Special Forces Medic Close Support Cell assigned to Z Squadron are specialised operators who have undergone a long and intensive selection and training process, Special Forces Medics are masters of their trade and well versed in all forms of combat medicine. A Special Forces Medic is tasked with: - Role 1 & 2 Medical Support - Medical Plans - Medical Emergency Response Team - Medical Emergency Response Team Enhanced - Medical Close Support In order to be accepted into the Special Forces Medic role, candidates will undergo Selection. This is somewhat similar to Joint Special Forces Selection. Whilst candidates for the generalist units are in the Tactical and Jungle Training phase, aspiring Special Forces Medics will learn the following: - Role of SFM - Intro to A&P - Mechanism of Injury - Phases of Care - Basic Life Support - MARCH - Airway - Respiratory - Circulation - Triage - Advanced Life Support - Handover/Takeover - Practical Examinations - Assessments on Theory and Practical - Medical Emergency Response Team After completion of Selection, they will be run through a mil skills spec package run by members of the generalist units. This will bring them up to speed on Standard Operating Procedures employed by the unit. "Not for ourselves, but for others."

About Us

Z Squadron is a well established realism unit with strong roots in the ArmA community dating back to 14th June 2019. Z Squadron emulates the Sabre Squadron of the same name in the United Kingdom's elite Special Boat Service. We are a United Kingdom based unit but accepts people from all over the world providing they can meet the attendance requirements of the unit and speak English fluently. Z Squadron holds its events every Wednesday and Sunday at 19:30 GMT/BST.

Z Squadron prides itself on being the peak of realism in the UKSF Milsim community. We prioritise maintaining a balance of fun and realism in both training and operations for all of our playerbase.

What To Expect?

The Special Boat Service (SBS) is one of the world's most renowned maritime special forces units, with a long history of tradition. Z Squadron is tasked with many different roles such as;

  • Offensive Actions
  • Maritime Counter-Terrorism
  • Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Applicants to Z Squadron will undergo a Joint Assessment and Selection, upon completion of the selection they will be assigned a patrol and moved onto further training modules to progress their career in the unit.

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