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  2. AAN: US military grounds entire fleet of Osprey aircraft The military announced late Wednesday it was grounding all of its Osprey V-22 helicopters, one week after eight Air Force Special Operations Command and Marine Corps service members died in a crash off the coast of Norway. The Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps took the extraordinary step of grounding hundreds of aircraft after a preliminary investigation of last week’s crash indicated that a materiel failure — that something went wrong with the aircraft — and not a mistake by the crew led to the deaths. The crash raised new questions about the safety of the Osprey, which has been involved in multiple fatal accidents over its relatively short time in service. Norway grounded its fleet of 6 Ospreys after the crash. Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind, head of Naval Air Systems Command, directed the standdown “to mitigate risk while the investigation continues,” the command said in a statement. “Preliminary investigation information indicates a potential materiel failure caused the mishap, but the underlying cause of the failure is unknown at this time.” In a separate notice, Air Force Special Operations Command said it was grounding all Ospreys. The command is responsible for the Air Forces variants of the aircraft. The Navy said it was unknown how long the aircraft would be grounded. It said the standdown was expected to remain in place until the investigation has determined the cause of the Norway crash and made recommendations to allow the Air Force to return to operations.
  3. AAN: Russian planes conducted a practice attack on a radar facility in Norway. A flight of Russian ground attack in late 2023 flew a mock strike on a Norwegian radar installation, Vice Admiral. Nils Andreas Stensønes, the head of Norway's intelligence service, revealed today. According to Stensønes, the Su-25 subsonic attack aircraft took off from the Kola Peninsula's Monchegorsk air base, crossed the Barents Sea, turned, and formed an attack formation before swooping down on the Norwegian town of Vardø. A local news source said, "Vardø is a fishing town on a small island in the Barents Sea, but its proximity to Russia's heavily militarized Kola Peninsula makes it a perfect location for radar surveillance." For many years, the Globus-II radar has caused friction in the relations between Moscow and Oslo. The news source went on, "Objects in space are officially observed by the radar." It is also thought to be quite competent in keeping track of and compiling a database of Russian ballistic missile signatures. “The radars in Vardø are operated by the Norwegian Intelligence Service.” Russia frequently conducts mock air and commando raids, both as practice for war-time operations and as a form of intimidation targeting rival states. According to a Norwegian Defense Research Establishment (NDRE) expert, the simulated attack in 2023 was "a sophisticated and well-planned Russian signal." Russian forces in July 2018 daringly simulated an assault on Gogland Island in the Finland Sea just south of Sweden. The island is Russian territory. “The difficulty of landing on the coast of the island was the unpreparedness of the site and the choppy wind that is characteristic of all the islands of the Gulf of Finland,” the Kremlin stated. “The special forces left the side of the Mi-8AMTSH helicopter at an altitude of 2,500 meters three kilometers from the island.” The commandos used satellite navigation to steer themselves to the landing zone, the Russian statement continued. “After landing, the scouts disguised the parachutes and advanced into the interior of the island.” Shortly before the island raid and around the same time as the mock attack on Vardø, 17 Russian warplanes buzzed the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Duncan in the Black Sea. A year earlier in early 2017, nine Russian warplanes conducted another raid targeting Vardø. Three months later in 2017, 12 Russian planes simulated attack runs on NATO vessels exercising in Norwegian waters off Tromsø.
  4. AAN World News: Large Withdrawal of Taliban Soldiers from Takistan Border Regions after 7-Day Standoff Today, news has surfaced from Takistan Border security indicating a mass withdrawal of Afghan-Taliban soldiers from the border regions, putting an end to a stand off between the two governments that lasted up to a week. Council Minister for the Takistan Ministry of Defense, Farhad Esme has called the movement a "Total Victory", celebrating the withdrawal after his public statement today in Takmyr. Takistan has been at odds with the Taliban-ran government of Afghanistan since the coalition withdrawal in 2021. The withdrawal comes after a built-up U.S presence in Northern Takistan, deployed to combat the active threat of ISIS-NT. The campaign spearheaded by the United States has led to a near complete dismantling of the terror group in the region, this has in turn bolstered Takistan's military development in the region, with the addition of a permanent base in the central regions of Takistan as well as actively paving the way to reinforcing relations between the U.S and Takistan. The United Kingdom and Germany, two nations previously deployed to Takistan during the Global War on Terror, displayed initial intent to support the counter insurgency however this has turned into monetary support over deployment of forces. Minister of Diplomatic Relations, Omar Hamza Nurid has called the campaign a "Testament of Takistan's commitment to defending its soil and supporting international cooperation." This statement was supported by Esme as well as General of the Takistan Armed Forces, Paris Nusef.
  5. AAN Breaking: Shocking Images Surface Detailing Standoff Between Taliban and Takistan Army at Border Minutes ago images surfaced online depicting a stand off between the Taliban and Takistan Armed Forces along the northern border region. The stand off was kicked off when members of the Taliban-Afghan Army crossed into a Takistan Border Force (TBF) checkpoint. The Border officers attempted to diffuse the attempted crossing however when Taliban crossed past the gate support was called. Nearby support forces from the Takistan Armed Forces were immediately deployed to respond. The standoff lasted for several hours, in response to the situation. Council Minister for the Ministry of Defense, Farhad Esme stated: The surfaced images depict the stand off between the Armed Forces, Border Force and Taliban
  6. AAN Breaking: Altian Governor Nichollis found among the dead in Zaros terror attack West Altis has fallen into crisis today after a terror attack struck the "Pine City" of Zaros, with news still flooding in the most recent revelation unveils the tragic killing of the Altian Governor, Michael Nichollis. He was found killed in his holiday home, within the south of the town. The terror attack itself has had no known claimants as of the posting of this article, however the West Altis government are pointing the finger of blame on East Altis, indicating that the attacks had many of the hallmarks of the Altis Liberation Army, now known as the Social Freedom and Independence Party of Altis (SFIPA). The SFIPA, currently governing East Altis countered these claims, stating: The incident itself consisted of a large explosion followed by sporadic gunfire between the terrorists and plain-clothed police officers. The attack lasted for two hours before the assailants fled the scene before support could arrive, with the limited resources the West Altis Police have it is likely that support from the Military will be involved. Tragically twenty-two people lost their lives in the attack, including the governor. As of current, Director of the Altian Cabinet of Intelligence, Mikros Orestes has taken the role of acting-Governor until the West Altis Government find a suitable replacement. West Altis Police stated that if anyone has any information regarding those responsible for the attack or any media depicting the people involved, to reach out immediately.
  7. AAN World News: Investigation on West Altis Governor, Michael Nichollis deepens after Whistleblower publishes evidence publicly An investigation was deepened by the West Altis Police Anti-Corruption Wing after accusations of corruption by his staff and Nichollis himself are made public by whistleblower Andreas Polos. The accusation is based on Nichollis and his actions during the civil war that broke out in late 2021 to 2022. The document published online has detailed over multiple crimes committed by Nichollis from 2021 to the present day, more notably found in the document were the bribery and extortion of funds from the Altis defense budget in 2022. With funds up to 750,000 euros stolen, Nichollis used the support of the United Kingdom and United States as "the perfect opportunity to skim funds from the top" says the accuser in a five page document published on the social media network "X", formerly Twitter. Andreas Polos, the whistleblower responsible for making this information known, was formerly a close friend of Nichollis, published a google document on X detailing Nichollis as well as evidence of his crimes. Notably, Nichollis confessed his crimes to Polos privately which spurred the creation of this document. Governor Nichollis has been in power since 2021, and has saw West Altis through the 2022 Altis civil war. During this conflict Nichollis extorted funds from the Altis defense budget up to 750,000. Following this up with the bribery of his staff to keep quiet about the matter. This followed on with his threats of blackmail against his own staff, detailing that if any of his staff were to speak up they would immediately lose their jobs and see possible "further punishment". Some members of Nichollis' staff were then found to also be involved in the matter when Altis split, notably members of Nichollis' green energy expansion were found to be actively defrauding the public with their mass expansion of turbine powered energy. This was backed by Polos' document which detailed how the idea came to be, based on Nichollis' confession, the staff responsible saw to install turbines across the north-west region of Altis, these turbines however are largely defunct and house sub-part / cheap equipment. This has resulted in power outages and failures across rural Altis that rely on the exports of power from these turbine farms. The West Altis Police Anti Corruption Wing have stated to media: Michael Nichollis has remained under house arrest since the investigation opened in August of this year.
  8. AAN World News: Takistan Court charges 16 men accused of spying for the Taliban Govt. The Takistan judiciary have concluded their month long trial of 16 men, accused of spying on the Ministry of Defence Council Minister, Farhad Esme. The charge comes after the group's arrest on the 12th of July. The group were alleged of being spies for the Taliban government. With documents and photographs detailing Minister Esme's day-to-day ongoings dating back to his appointment in 2022, it has been used as damning evidence in the trial. Today, Council Minister for the Ministry of the Justice, Amir Madak has clarified to the AAN and other news sources that this closed-door trial was administrated effectively. Minister of Justice Madak said to the AAN: The trial concluded with the charge of 40 years in a high-security prison with no parole. This decision was celebrated by the Takistan public, however, the Taliban Public Relations Telegram account condemned the decision, stating: Following this statement it has been reported that at least several people were killed in a car bombing in northern Takistan. ISIS-NT shortly thereafter claimed the attack. ISIS-NT have continued to exercise attacks across the border regions of Takistan, attacking border emplacements and government structures.
  9. AAN World News: U.S Government Announce Deployment of Peacekeeping troops to Takistan The U.S Government announced today that peacekeeping troops are to be deployed to Takistan after the investigation into the July 12th incident which saw the evacuation from the U.S embassy was concluded. The incident in question occurred in response to U.S Embassy staff member Mikaela Aubrite fled to the United States after committing manslaughter in Takistan, where Embassy director Neil Barone Taron was found responsible for intervening in the trial of which resulted in Ms. Aurbrite's transfer back to the United States. This sparked outrage and led to protest at the U.S Embassy gates, this protest shortly evolved into a riot and subsequently shots were fired in turn ending in a siege of the Embassy. The site was evacuated however tragically the siege resulted in the deaths of 18 American nationals; several contractors, five Takistani-Americans, two U.S Marines and four Embassy staff. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed to the press today that U.S peacekeepers will be deployed to Takistan to conduct peacekeeping operations as ISIS-NT, the terror group responsible for the aforementioned incident, has seen a spike in activity. With pleas of support from Minister Farhad Esme, the call was answered. Troops are expected to arrive in Takistan within the coming weeks.
  10. AAN Breaking: U.S Prepare for full evacuation of U.S nationals amid Niger Coup Tensions As the Niger coup continues to cause civil and diplomatic unrest, with threat of ECOWAS executing an invasion, the U.S Department of Defense (DoD) have established orders to evacuate U.S Nationals and potentially to prepare the subsequent withdrawal of all personnel for their embassy in the declining country. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has confirmed to news sources that the U.S troops based in Niger have been given orders to prepare to receive civilians and declared protected citizens within the next 72 hours. Despite this, the leaders of the coup have called for support from the United States once the dust settles in order to rebuild and re-establish civil order. The Coup D'etat was executed by Nigerien Miliary Officers, ousting then president Mohamed Bazoum in efforts to "End the regime" backing the statement with reasoning that Niger is under threat of several Islamic extremist groups following on with the decline of economic and social instability. The people of Niger have largely rejected the coup and have demanded the release of Bazoum by form of protests and social condemnation. the Economic Community of West African States, or ECOWAS, have prepared a "standby force" to execute an invasion of Bazoum is not reinstated to power. With the added threat of terror group ISWAP, or the Islamic State West Africa Province, causing further civil unrest in Niger. The Nigerien military have made efforts to suppress the extremist group, though with the added stress of the backlash of the coup by multiple nations the outreach of the government asset may be seen as unable to fully enforce civil order. Furthermore, it is suspected that Wagner PMC, formerly owned by the late former chef of Putin, Yevegni Prigozhin, have a presence in Niger to aid and train the Nigerien military. The AAN are monitoring the situation as it develops.
  11. AAN World News: "XRS" Drug Distributors Targeted In Gang Attacks, Says Police Analyst In recent days, distributors of the new drug known as "XRS" have been found to be targets of gangs across West and East Altis. The spike comes shortly after Governor Nichollis' speech announcing a crackdown on the hallucinogenic drug. The infamous drug has seen mass-use across Altis since early 2023. The Police of West Altis (PWA) have confirmed with the AAN that those distributing the XRS pill have been noted as a "targeted groups" by three of Altis' largest criminal gangs. No statement has come from any of the three groups however images by members of the public finding those attacked by the gangs spoke louder than any statement that could be made. Images, too disturbing to be published, surfaced online detailing images of multiple individuals targeted by the gangs in multiple states of severity. Displaying mutilation and levels of harm to the bodies indicating high levels of brutality. The East Altian Police Service (EAPS) have confirmed that cases of these attacks have appeared in East Altis territory also. Head of the Social Freedom and Independence Party of Altis (SFIPA) Vaso Mutatos, formerly head of the extremist group known as the Altian Liberation Army (ALA). joined Nichollis in the announcement, detailing his own message to residents of East Altis. Both heads of state announced a police crackdown. There has been a total of 13 confirmed killings on supposed XRS dealers. The gangs responsible are yet to make their alleged involvement known however media releases have confirmed that the attacks fit the profile of the three groups. Notably, 7 of the 13 deaths fit the pattern of the East Altian gang known as "Kraken", the criminal group have been known for their brutality to those who attempt to expose or defame the gang. The other two gangs; "Athira Vengeance" and "Red Olympus" were allegedly responsible for the remaining 5 murders. "Athira Vengeance", a West Altis gang has been on the rise after the NATO-involved drone strike on a fuel refinery, killing multiple aid workers providing support to displaced Athira residents during the ALA - NATO skirmishes late-last year. The gang now responsible for targeting foreigners has been a large threat for tourists since peace was established when the conflict settled. "Red Olympus" has been seen as a notably newer criminal group compared to the previous two. Responsible for the illegal transit of Altians across the border to either side the attacks seem similar to what occurs when the group are swindled by those attempting to cross the border for free illegally. With both police and government resources focused on stopping the spread of the XRS drug epidemic the involvement of these gangs has seen a shocking upturn in brutality and bares a large warning to distributors of the hallucinogenic drug.
  12. AAN World News: Garissa County Airfield Recaptured and Diplomatic Outpost Evacuated in Kenya Today the U.S Department of Defense announced their involvement in the assisted recapture of the Garissa County airfield in Kenya, the airfield served the Kenyans as the primary air corridor to Somalia, in the nation's own assistance mission to the African nation. The U.S claimed their assistance to the Kenyans after images surfaced online depicting U.S Military transport and personnel within the town of Shwasana. The statement comes three days after images first appeared social media and news networks. The statement provided by the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin: The United States has had a hand in security and training members of the Kenyan Defence Force alongside the United Kingdom and other partner nations. With the rise in cross-border activity by Al Shabaab warnings have been issued to settlements along the border region to evacuate or relocate as soon as possible. The International Development and Aid Project, or IDAP, have largely widened operations within the horn of Africa, dispatching humanitarian aid and developmental aid to the Kenyan populous.
  13. AAN Breaking: Aid Worker Executed By Al Shabaab In Harrowing Video In the early hours of this morning, African terror group, Al Shabaab streamed the execution of Altian aid worker, Demetiris Konstantous, Konstantous joined the International Development and Aid Project (IDAP) in late 2022, working in high-risk areas such as Yemen, Syria, Somalia and eventually Kenya. Though details on the matter are unknown with regards to his abduction. Konstantous appeared on an Al Shabaab livestream. Reading a script condemning the west and their actions in Kenya, notably the United States' hand in assisting the Kenyan Defence Force (KDF) with counter-insurgency operations. Due to the gruesome nature of the video, details on the stream will be only described if essential. The Livestream started at 3:30 AM (UTC), rolling the intro of Al Shabaab like any other terror group. The screen then faded in to show Konstantous bound and kneeling down in the center frame with two men, faces covered standing either side of the terrified aid worker. Konstantous then reads out a statement; detailing his name, age, home nation and a written speech regarding the west's actions in Somalia. Tragically after reading it out, Konstantous was then beheaded and his severed head held to the camera. Al Shabaab, despite not directly having large cells outside of Somalia have largely seen a spike in activity in Kenya after the Kenyan Defence Force continues to aid the Somali government in ridding the nation of an Al Shabaab presence. Recently Al Shabaab executed a raid on an airstrip in Garissa county, which locked down the flight corridor in to Somalia, the group has seemingly started a war of attrition against the KDF in the county, but holding the air strip and developing a presence in the area, threatening civilians at toll checkpoints erected by the group to extort money. The Kenyan government pledged a response to the sudden move by the group. The intent behind Al Shabaab's sudden mobilization is unknown however is fueled by years of fighting against the Somali and Kenyan governments for intervening in the group's attempt to erect an Islamic emirate in place of the democratic government.
  14. AAN World News: Takistan Counter-Insurgency Intensifies As ISIS-NT Tighten Control Takistan Council Minister for the Ministry of Defence, Farhad Esme has announced an escalation of operations by Takistan Armed Forces in North Takistan. Since 2021, the Islamic State North Takistan Province otherwise known as ISIS-NT have attempted to claim control of the northern regions of Takistan. As an ongoing threat to national stability, Takistan's Police and Military have commenced counter insurgency operations within the region in attempts to liquidate the terror group and remove its influence from Takistan. The nation itself has been in a state of opposition to any attempts at using more force than necessary in operations within the region. Notably, ISIS-NT have been responsible for a chain of attacks along the border region, opening gaps between Takistan and neighbouring Afghanistan, Minister Esme has called this an act of espionage by Afghanistan in plans to allegedly annex Takistan. The Taliban Governorate, despite being at odds with the Islamic State since taking power due to their attempts to erect a Caliphate the accusation should fall flat, however media sources and locally photographed imagery of supposed members of the Taliban's Badri 313 Battalion in assistance to ISIS-NT instructing the terrorists on how to utilize military ordnance has surfaced. Backing Esme's claims against the Taliban ran-government, no counter arguement or comment has been made. Takistan itself has been at a stand off with Afghanistan's Taliban since 2005, when the group in cooperation with Al Qaeda executed attacks across Takistan. Since the Taliban's recapture of control to Afghanistan in 2021, the two nations have been at a standstill, with all diplomatic attempts at finding neutral ground failing. U.S Military peacekeepers stationed in Takistan have been given orders to standby for potential attacks. With the developing situation, ISIS-NT have developed a slow but ruthless presence in Takistan.
  15. AAN World News: Altian Drug Epidemic Spreads From East To West Altis As "XRS" Drug Reports Spike West Altian emergency services have announced their plan to crack down on the newest hallucinogenic drug on the market spikes in popularity among dealers and users. The "XRS" pill has been seen in recent studies as a favored drug among East Altians after the Republic of Altis split into the East and West, weeks after initial studies and reports surfaced the illegal pill was seen among West Altis. The ongoing drug epidemic within Altis has been slowly developing since 2010, with harder and more severe drugs making the market. Dealers have seen lucrative outputs from dealing heroin. And with the addition of XRS, police have been advised to exercise extreme caution when conducting searches. Governor Nichollis, figurehead of West Altis, has announced to the West Altian Republic that with regards to the ongoing heatwave and now developing drug crisis that the West Altis Government are "Working to cover the ongoing developing drug problem West Altis has seen, our police and ambulance services have already been put out in full to cover our heatwave situation so it is likely to expect delays, if anyone is in possession or knows someone who has recently taken one of these XRS pills, please call emergency services or speak to your local peacekeeper." West Altis Police have been reporting staff failing to show up for duty as working conditions decline given the current environmental effects, with The Altian Ambulance and Medical Service (AAMS) reporting shortages of supplies and equipment to treat a plethora of issues. The AAN have constructed a set of information below to see signs of XRS usage, how to treat it and what to do if you know someone who may be in possession or selling the illegal drug, please do take into consideration if the person you are reviewing is seen to be aggressive or cause a possible threat to you in any way, you must use caution and call emergency services immediately if needed: What is the XRS Pill? The XRS Pill has origins dating back to the early 1980s, with a majority presence within the Middle East the drug has spread across into Europe and Asia. The hallucinogenic has seen more use in the 2010s, used in raves and festivals however criminal groups have used the pill for malicious purposes. Using those addicted to the substance to commit crime and in some cases sell it themselves to build up a supply chain. Notably criminal gangs in Altis have been seen utilizing the drug for their efforts as early as 2019. How do I know if someone has taken a pill? Physical Symptoms Nausea Dizziness Increased Blood Pressure Numbness in Arms and Legs Vision Problems Muscle Spasms Cognitive Symptoms Poor Judgment Delusions Hallucinations Psychological Symptoms Migraines after prolonged withdrawal Sudden decline in standard social interactions Aggression Irritability What should I do if I know someone who has or is selling XRS? Inform emergency services without alerting the individual in question. Ask the person what they are doing with the pill, if they intend to sell it, call the police and if they intend to take it advise them not to or call emergency services if they have already ingested it.
  16. AAN World News: Al Shabaab siege Kenyan military airfield, 17 Kenyans killed In the early hours of last night, Al Shabaab announced their claim to an attack on a Kenyan Military airfield within Garissa county. The attack lasted for several hours before Kenyan Military forces were ordered to withdraw, at least 17 members of the Kenyan Defence Force were killed in the attack. Al Shabaab called the victory a step to "prevent Kenya intervention in our mission in freeing Somalia". The terror group's main goal within the horn of Africa is to oust the Somali government in favor of erecting an Islamic emirate within the region. The Al Qaeda-aligned group have been responsible for attacks since its founding in 2006. Kenyan authorities have pledged to resolve the sudden move by the terror group as soon as possible, however with civil unrest due to tax hikes and accused police brutality the state of their response is questionable. British and American troops in the region have not announced any major move to assist the Kenyans outside of training and counter insurgency operations, as outlined in their separate deployments to the region. Locals in Garissa county have fled from the areas near the air strip in fear of exploitation or attacks by Al Shabaab. Garissa remains under a slowly tightening grip held by the terror group. As civil unrest deepens the expected response has not been seen yet. However the Kenyans have pledged a response.
  17. AAN World News: Takistan's relationship with Afghanistan, a history Takistan and Afghanistan have seen large political discourse since the Taliban Governorate was re-established after the Coalition withdrawal in August of 2021 with border skirmishes between the two nations escalating in frequency, the AAN have put together a timeline of Takistan and its history with Afghanistan so that readers can understand the developing situations more intimately. Dating back to 636 CE, Muslim tribes founded the Kingdom of Takistan forming a Royal Family banding the tribes together until 1219 CE when Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongol Empire subjugated the nation, forcing the royal family into exile. As a member of the Mongol Empire. The royal family, now in Istanbul under exile, remained in Türkiye for several centuries and eventually after the liquidating of the mongol empire. The land eventually became a part of the Durrani Empire by 1751, through the subsequent civil wars and foreign influences; in 1860, members of the royal family returned to Takistan, now under Afghan influence. Eventually seceding from Afghanistan after the family reunited relations between the split tribes, by 1892 the nation of Takistan was re-established and recognized by Afghanistan's King, Yaqub Khan. The nation remained closely connected to Afghanistan due to the religious, blood and diplomatic ties between the two countries. The National Flag of Takistan (1900 - 2002) After the Second World War, Takistan would seek to align themselves under the west as modernization slowly started to pick up speed within the country. However this was then reconsidered when the Soviet Union offered resources and security in exchange for access to Takistan's crude oil supply. As a result, Takistan fell under the Soviet's sphere of influence and received military surplus from the Russians, re-arming their Armed forces with Eastern-Bloc armaments and transport. The Soviets utilized Takistan's oil supply and territory as a launchpad to eventually invade Afghanistan in 1979, using Takistan's border to Afghanistan as an additional front to launch attacks from. Unknowingly involved in the conflict, Takistan received condemnation from nations that were opposed to the conflict. The United States and neighbours to Afghanistan and Takistan condemned the conflict, placing sanctions on Takistan, in turn crippling their foreign economy and placing reliance on Takistan's natural resources. As the conflict progressed the Red Army war effort was slowly crippled as U.S weapons were smuggled in via neighboring countries. In 1989 the Red Army withdrew entirely from Afghanistan. Takistan, now furious with their hand in the conflict, called for Soviet expulsion from their country. This was settled in 1990 when the Soviets reimbursed Takistan for economic damages sustained by the sanctions placed by the west. In 1996 the Taliban took control of a majority of Afghanistan, while their focus was to the north in attempts to take control of territory held by Ahmad Shah Massoud's remaining resistance, Takistan attempted to support Massoud and his allies by providing aid and leftover supplies given to them by the now collapsed Soviet Union, this led to the Taliban launching attacks on Takistan and causing an Insurgent presence in the country to build up, by 2001 Massoud was assassinated and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was established, still continuing attacks on Takistan for their hand in aiding Massoud's allies. The World Trade Center ablaze after two aircraft were flown into the twin-towers, New York City, September 11th 2001 After September 11th, the U.S called for Afghanistan to surrender Osama Bin Laden, of which was offered shelter in Afghanistan by the Taliban. On the 15th, while the U.S opened channels to discuss the surrender of Bin Laden without resorting to all out conflict, Takistan condemned the Taliban in efforts to be looked upon by the West to receive assistance in their counter-insurgency operation against the Al Qaeda cells active in Takistan of which were actively aided by Taliban supply lines. On October 7th, U.S Special Operations Forces initiated bombing operations in Afghanistan, during this period, the U.S Central Intelligence Agency's paramilitary branch, the Special Activities Division (SAD), were inserted across Afghanistan as well as Takistan. Takistan received covert aid by the CIA in order to remove Al Qaeda forces in the region. Takistan received further aid by members of the U.S Special Operations Forces by form of training and financial aid packages to support economic growth. At this time Takistan allowed the U.S to establish a base within their borders to use as a staging area for scouting operations in Afghanistan. With assistance from the Afghan Northern Alliance, Kabul was captured in 2001 by U.S Forces. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan slowly collapsed and fell into tribal control by provincial elders and warlords. The lack of a government led to the formation of an interim government in December of 2001. As the hunt for Osama Bin Laden intensified, Takistan assisted the United States by providing intelligence and supply lines to Afghanistan in order to aid the interim government. In 2002 Hamid Karzai by the Afghan Loya Jirga council to a two-year term as the Afghan Head of state, becoming the first democratically elected leader of Afghanistan. Takistan supported the Karzai regime and re-established positive relations while coalition forces conducted counter-insurgency operations through the War on Terror. The National Flag of Takistan as of 2002 In 2005, Takistan quickly fell into crisis when extremist groups with ties to Al Qaeda and the Taliban executed attacks on Takistan government positions, including the foreign embassies for the United States, United Kingdom and German. The attacks resulted in British and German forces deploying into Takistan. With rising counter insurgency operations in the region, Takistan suffered heavy economic damage, that including an incident in 2007 when the nation's largest crude oil refinery was destroyed by NATO forces due to insurgents using the site as a stronghold for ordnance production. Private security and development contractors assisted in the redevelopment of sectors damaged during the operations that took place in Takistan. In late 2011, the United Kingdom and Germany requested to establish bases of operations within Takistan borders due to the strained resources after basing their deployments to the nation of our Khandahar air base. After deliberation, the Takistan Government with approval by the Takistan royal family allowed British and German troops to establish bases in the country as they did with the United States in 2001. Continuing to 2013, the insurgent presence in Takistan largely fell apart and operations switched from counter insurgency to security & assistance. Non-essential assets to the UK, Germany and U.S would eventually begin a drawdown of operations, deconstructing bases and handing control of hard structures to the Takistan Armed Forces. With military support primarily from remaining special operations forces clearing up the remaining cells of the insurgency, Takistan began rebuilding and by 2015 fully re-established peace across the country. By 2021 the Taliban regained a foothold and regained control of Afghanistan after NATO forces withdrew entirely from the country. With the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan political issues occurred between Takistan and the Taliban Governorate. The Taliban believe Takistan to be territory of the emirate as well as being used as a puppet state by the west to influence western ideologies as opposed to the traditional Islamic lifestyle. Relations between the two nations fell apart entirely after the Taliban started targeting religious minorities and individuals who assisted the coalition during the Global War on Terror, in response Takistan opened its borders to those people under threat by the emirate. By 2022, Council Minister for the Takistan Ministry of Defence, Farhad Esme, accused the Taliban of planning an annexation of Takistan's northern territory after police arrested nine men with plans to destroy a border checkpoint in order to allow free travel without stoppage by government forces. The Taliban counter claimed that the evidence was fake and that the arrest was not related. Minister Esme has been a large figure of opposition against interaction with the Taliban since his appointment as Council Minister in 2020. In 2023 the ministry passed a bill to modernize its armed forces with Western Bloc equipment provided by the United States in efforts to prepare for a possible annexation due to training conducted by the Taliban-Afghan Armed Forces rising in frequency near the Takistan border. Following the arrest of alleged spies for Afghanistan tensions have risen to an alltime high. With the presence of the Islamic State and other terror organizations cropping up in Takistani borders, the nation has fallen into a state of militarization in order to counter the extremist threats in the region. Prominent Islamic State cell to Takistan, ISIS North Takistan (ISIS-NT) has been seen as the largest threat to Takistan alongside the alleged potential annexation of Takistan. On the 12th of July, 2023, the U.S Embassy to Takistan was evacuated after rioting turned into a siege as rioters called for the arrest of U.S Embassy station chief Neil Barone Taron after he was allegedly responsible for bailing out Embassy staff member Mikaela Aubrite from a Takistani court after a case of manslaughter. Takistan Council Minister of the Judiciary Omar Alid called for Aubrite's extradition; however Taron intervened and resulted in the appeal's denial. This resulted in a riot outside of the U.S embassy which then sparked into a firefight as suspected members of ISIS-NT fired upon Marine security forces. This was later confirmed to be ISIS-NT when members of the group carrying their mark flooded embassy grounds when the perimeter was breached. The attack resulted in the deaths of 18 Americans; several Contractors, five Takistan-American citizens, two Marines and four Embassy staff. Minister Esme alleges that the attack was assisted by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, supplying ISIS-NT and providing the attackers with false identities to embed without suspicion. The Taliban have neither denied nor accepted the accusation, raising tensions between the nations to an all-time high. With ISIS-NT continuing their strain of attacks the Takistan Armed Forces have continued their counter-insurgency operations while being hampered by unclaimed skirmishes on the Takistan-Afghan border. Neither Takistan or Afghanistan have claimed the skirmishes to be a result of their own. Due to the border functioning as a grey zone of unclaimed territory between Takistan and Afghanistan, as agreed by the Takistan Royal Family and Afghanistan's king, Yaqub Khan, in order to prevent disputes. Ironically this preventative measure established centuries ago has become a focal point of the Taliban-Afghan regime. As of August, 2023, border skirmishes continue and ISIS-NT remains a prominent threat to normalcy within North Takistan. U.S and British diplomats have announced their aid to the nation by form of monetary packages, arms and humanitarian aid for those displaced during the conflict. However, like Afghanistan the trend of consistent conflict is a torment Takistan now suffers also.
  18. AAN World News: Mexican Cartel attacks Mexican airfield after arrest of prominent lieutenant Mexican Army succeeds in fending off attack On Wednesday the 2nd of this month, members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) launched a large-scale attack on a Mexican-Army maintained airfield in the Zacatecas province of Mexico. The attack lasted for three hours and consisted of the usage of military-level equipment from the CJNG. The attack could be heard from the town of Los Colorados. Onlookers to the incident saw the attack claim to see a gunship circling overhead, firing on the attacking cartel. The supposed U.S involvement in counter narcotics operations has spiked overtime, after the U.S designated cartels as foreign terrror organizations in March of 2023. The Jalisco New Generation Cartel attacked the airbase after the recent arrest of one of the provincial figureheads and lieutenant to the CJNG hierarchy, Jorge Analistas. The 61 year old was one of many members of the Los Zetas cartel when the CJNG split off to make their own organization in 2009. Analistas was formerly a member of the Mexican Marinas in the 1990s, finding a place in Los Zetas as an enforcer and later instructor in 2002. The Mexican government announced his arrest on Monday the 31st of July as a result of a raid executed by a joint Marine-Police Task-Force designated with this dissolving of cartel operations within the central Mexican province. The raid took place in Los Colorados in the early hours of the 31st, within the southern district of the town. 4 Cartel members and 1 Policewoman, Gabriela Ortiz, were killed. The arrest of Analistas and several other cartel members were published the following morning as they were escorted to the airfield to await transport out of province to a more secure territory. A photo of Jorge Analistas, published on Mexican Government media after the announcement of his arrest The attack was initiated in the morning of the 2nd of August, convoys of CJNG vehicles were seen on the outskirts of Los Colorados approaching the airfield, police local to the town were told to stand down to prevent a skirmish that may put civilians at risk, the airfield was struck by the CJNG shortly after the sighting, however was fended off by the defending Mexican Army and supposed U.S Forces providing assistance.
  19. AAN: Cartel Figurehead detained in daring raid by Colombian Counter Narcotics Today, the Colombian Government have announced the arrest of Ruben Navarro, a figurehead of the Clan De Golfo (Gulf Clan) Cartel. Though the date of the raid was not clarified in the announcement the Colombian Comando Contra el Narcotráfico y las Amenazas Transnacionales (Counter Narcotics and Transactional Threats Command) known more commonly as "CONAT" were named as the responsible party for executing the mission. The National Army of Colombia has seen significant activity in the war on drugs inside Colombia. With rising conflict between the AGC and the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (National Liberation Army) otherwise known as the "ELN" the arrest of Navarro will likely be seen as a massive hit, more notably on the AGC's part. Statement on the matter is as follows: Social Media and local news have called the arrest a "massive success" however, small sources have called the arrest unjust and pushed a narrative to free Navarro. The public have yet to cast their own reaction however what is known by the statement is that the arrest of Navarro was made in the best interest to the Colombian people.
  20. Z SQUADRON STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 1 - Candidates, Recruits and Training Policy 1.1 - Training & Attendance Regulations Recruits/Candidates in training cells are to attend all training sessions to pass out within the dates set by their commanding officer, we advise recruits to acknowledge procedures taken in the information package given to them upon going through the recruitment process. Failure to do so can result in an AWOL (Absent Without Leave). 1.2 - UKSF Candidacy Policy Candidates must wear the uniform and equipment allocated to them. Violation of this, will result in RTU. 'RTU' stands for 'Returned To Unit', this means that the Candidate will be withdrawn from selection and has one more chance to correctly attempt UKSF Selection. The Candidate must camo their face correctly and must follow the correct naming format. Kit lists for each phase will be allocated at the beginning. Any violation of SOP during Candidacy will result in non negotiable RTU. 2 - Unit Equipment Policy 2.1 - Uniform Regulations Uniform regulation is the Z Squadron uniform policy. Under the policy, all regiments and squadrons are to hereby wear/utilise the correct uniform, gear and weapon system(s). If found not abiding by the policy, it can lead to removal of custom equipment. 2.2 - Custom Uniform and Equipment Every member of Z Squadron is entitled to custom equipment upon completion of their candidacy period. A Marine is entitled to utilise the kit request features on the website for their kit. If they would like a specific item that is not on the request, they may contact a member of G-6 Communications to alter this or see if the item is available. Some kit may be deemed under "private purchase" such as custom camo Crye G3s. Private Purchase equipment (anything that would not be issued to a member of the UKSF) can be requested and decided upon by G-6 or any other involved parties. Any member of Z Squadron must uphold a realistic attitude when it comes to choosing the kit they'll wear. 2.3 - Weapon System Regulation The soldier's weapon system will be assigned to them by their armourer upon passing selection. Every Marine will be allocated a Colt Canada L119A2 with 10" and 16" upper handguards/barrels. The Marine can change the weapon furniture of the L119A2 to some degree. The stock and grip can be swapped out for other appropriate attachments. The weapon system can be sprayed/painted as to how the Marine prefers it as long as obscene or unrealistic imagery aren't applied. Every Marine will be qualified on the use of heavy weapons, MG trained etc. This means they can use the Mk46, Mk48 or L7A2 GPMG. For specific operations, the Sig Sauer MCX, HK416, MP5K and MP9 may also be allocated. 2.4 - Enemy Weapon Systems Under certain circumstances, a Marine may be required to take an enemy weapon system. Marines can utilise an enemy weapon system under the grounds that their issued weapon system fails or they run out of ammunition and can not resupply they may use an enemy weapon system. It is paramount that the sidearm is utilised before attempting to grab a weapon system. The Marine must keep their issued weapon system even if it has suffered critical weapon failure. 3 - Communication Policy 3.1 - Communication Misue Communication misuse is to intentionally misuse our communication platforms at someone or the unit's expense. This includes: - Repetitive and annoying noises in Teamspeak, Discord or Arma 3. - Playing a soundboard in Teamspeak, Discord or Arma 3. - Posting the same message over and over in Teamspeak, Discord or Arma 3. - "Ear-rape" in Teamspeak, Discord or Arma 3. - Use of the global or side chat feature in Arma 3. 3.2 - Bullying and Racism Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Racism is the act of prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group. Bullying and Racism will not be tolerated and will result in RTU. 3.3 - Counter Recruiting and Advertisement Counter recruitment is when you post material that could recruit or draw an audience to another group or milsim as well as messaging any personnel to invite them to a group or milsim. This is not allowed and will result in RTU. 3.4 - Inappropriate Material Inappropriate material means material that deals with matters such as sex, cruelty or violence in a manner that is likely to offend someone. If someone reports this as offensive then it can result in a general warning or RTU. 3.5 - Confidential Information If information is being passed through command or is told to you in confidence, it is strictly forbidden to pass on the information without permission. Spreading information about another player will result in an immediate RTU. This includes: - Spreading of private information. - Spreading of photos/videos without owner's permission. - Information a person has not given you permission to discuss with others. 3.6 - Community Friends Should an external guest wish to become a Community Friend they must represent themselves or the community they represent well, respecting and abiding by our communication policy. 3.7 - Monetisation Using any of Z Squadron's communication platforms for financial gain will result in instant RTU. Whether this is asking for donations or charging other members for unit related matters, it is strictly forbidden. 3.8 - Locked Channels If one joins a locked channel without the channel owner's permission it will result in a warning. Even if the password is known, the waiting room must be used. 4 - Administrative Policy Enlistment Policy All candidates must complete an application on the website, as well as completing a small interview on Teamspeak with a member of the G-8 Recruitment Team. If a Candidate fails to complete their application or miss their interview they'll be given another chance to correct this. 4.2 - Chain of Command All players must respect the chain of command. Failure to do so will result in a warning. The chain of command consists of: - Troop Commander - Troop Sergeant - Patrol Commander - Patrol 2iC The chain of command closely interlinks with the Staff Shops of the unit (see below): - J-1 Personnel - The general administration of the members of the unit. - J-2 Military Intelligence - Responsible for preparing the intel required for the Troop. - J-3 Operations - The Staff Shop responsible for issuing the orders to the Troop Sergeant and subsequently the Troop. - J-4 Logistics - Distribution of equipment, ammunition, vehicles and other logistical factors. - J-5 Strategic Planning - The leadership of Z Squadron. - J-6 Communication - Anything pertaining to the technological side of the Z Squadron (mods, website, servers). - J-7 Training - The specialists who train others in their field of knowledge. - J-8 Recruitment - Responsible for recruitment into the Troop. - J-9 CIMIC - Multi-media administration. 4.3 - Resignation All personnel who wish to resign from the unit will have to undergo the process of being discharged. This includes: - Contacting the next person up your chain of command. - Removal of tags and unit access. - Official removal. If someone who has previously resigned from the unit wishes to join back, they may do so within 3 months but will be required a small catchup. 4.4 - Leave of Absence Request Should a member wish to take leave, they must do so via the relevant Leave of Absence Request. Said requests are located on the discord of Z Squadron. Each necessary patrol/element will have a Leave of Absence Request, where one can copy the provided template and submit a request. The request must be approved by the superior in the chain of command. Should it be denied, you will face a warning for attendance. If the LOA is over two weeks, an extended LOA must be taken. This will have to be specified. When taking an eLOA, you will temporarily lose your guaranteed preferred spot in your patrol. Grounds for denial are as follows: - Offensive language in the request. - Request submitted less than 6 hours within event time. - Failing to follow the template. - Posting in the wrong area. An LOA can be taken for various circumstances, this is primarily real life incidents and events. LOAs can only be taken six hours before an event on the day. Posting after this will result in an LOA warning. Not posting at all will result in a red LOA warning. If unsure as to whether attending an event, post an LOA and attend if available. There are three different LOA Warnings in Z Squadron: - LOA Warning, this is issued when somebody posts an LOA within six hours prior to the event occuring. LOA Warnings can stack and upon two LOA Warnings, one Red LOA Warning will be given. LOA Warnings expire after one month. - Red LOA Warning, a red LOA warning is issued when a member fails to post an LOA and misses an event. Red LOA warnings expire after one month. Both of these warnings can be appealed to Troop Command if the individual finds the punishment unfair. - Attendance Warning, an Attendance Warning may be issued when a member has less than seventy percent overall attendance. This can also be issued when they have less than seventy five percent attendance on home rotation. After receiving an attendance warning, there will be an eight event period where the receiver can use to improve their attendance. If not done, they will be RTU. 4.5 - Detachment Transfer Request Should someone wish to transfer detachments, they must submit a request via the sub forum located on the website. A Detachment Transfer Request has to be approved by both parties commanding officers. Should it be denied, the requestee may reapply in 2 weeks. 4.6 - Multiclanning Policy Multiclanning is defined by us as being in another modern, serious openly recruiting MilSim or Realism Unit. Friend groups are allowed. J-5 clarify on multiclanning rule if there are any queries. 5 - Operational Policy 5.1 - Deployment This covers everything to do with deployment and spin up operations and how you should act when on deployment. You should always uphold a professional and competent attitude when on the server, you set the example for your peers no matter your role within the unit. - Blue on Blue, this refers to when a friendly soldier shoots or inflicts harm upon another friendly soldier or target. If by accident, it will be dismissed. If done on purpose, it will result in removal of weapon system priviliges. - Drugs and Alcohol, Alcohol and Drug abuse will not be tolerated whilst on the server and will result in removal from the server. Passive drinking is permitted but intoxication is not. - Extra mods, adding extra mods to your game is mostly forbidden, client side mods are acceptable within reason, for example using an audio pack mod or kit sorting mod. Anything that gives an advantage or cheats the game will result in removal of kit priviliges. - Attendance, Sunday ops are mandatory. Along with designated training days, if you can not attend an operation then you must post an LOA. - Global and Side Chat, these chats should only be used when you are stuck or need help and can't directly contact anyone who is able to help. If this is used for anything else it will result in a minor infraction. 6 - Promotion Process 6.1 - Promotions A Marine can be promoted after two months in the unit. They must undergo the Junior Command Course in order to receive this promotion. The highest attainable rank by a SC3 is Lance Corporal. An SC2 may advance from Marine to Corporal. There is opportunity for SC1 to advance the ranks from Corporal to Sergeant.
  21. AAN: Colombian Conflict reignites as two biggest paramilitary groups go head-to-head The situation in Colombia is dire as two of the largest paramilitary factions in Colombia are preparing to fight head to head. The Gulf Clan Drug Cartel (AGC) has accused the National Liberation Army (ELN) of provoking them through an armed attack on one of their outposts. Whilst the ELN have denied this, the AGC have presented proof which will be shown in this article. Since the event took place last night, the Gulf Clan have reportedly mobilised sicario and soldados primarily in the Monteria province where the incident occurred. A huge spike of armed convoys as well as gunmen patrolling the streets is evident to our correspondent in Colombia. There has been no official statement from the Colombian government but it is believed they are also preparing to combat skirmishing and fighting between the two factions, specifically in cities where the population or infrastructure might be vulnerable. We have reached out to Gustavo Pedro for a statement but have yet to receive a response. Seen below, an image of an ELN member on site of the recent attack against the AGC. The individual is wearing the staple armband of an ELN soldier but is also sporting a camouflaged ballistic helmet. The likes of which are not often seen worn by regular paramilitary or cartel members. Pairing this with the night vision goggles, it is believed that this is an elite soldier in the ELN. ELN Elite Soldier seen on site of an attack against the AGC:
  22. AAN: Inside The World of Tanoa's Black Market Arms Ring Black Markets, whether it's for drugs, hired services or firearms have been around since the dark ages, where there is restriction there is always someone providing the restricted product. In the modern day we have seen sites like the Silk Road appear, selling premium narcotics for affordable prices by trusted buyers. In Asia it is no different to European and American black markets, however a cross-national police Task Force has investigated the active ring that spans across multiple territories in Asia and Oceania. Notably; China, The Horizon Islands, Vietnam and Thailand have been host to a majority of illegal trade in the region since early 2016. The transaction of funds has evolved from cash to crypto currencies, arguably making the tracking of transactions harder or easier depending on the recipient. There are multiple ways for criminals to cover their tracks in the crypto space, however the customers they are selling to are variable in how they cover their own digital paper trail. Due to those chinks in the armour, the Task-Force have detained a total of 72 people, 22 sellers, 42 customers and 8 site hosts. Despite this hit to the ring, it tragically does not even scratch the surface. Sales have been estimated to be in the tens of thousands of items every day. To nations such as the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, Brazil and more. Entities such as the U.S DEA, UK NCA and others have aided the Task-Force by providing information and organizing false transactions to get a breadcrumb on the location of buyers as well as site hosts. Criminal organizations however hinder the operations massively, due to their majority hand in these drugs being in circulation; gangs and cartels often spot the fish hook before they snag it. An incident in 2019 occurred on the Horizon Island of Tanoa, where Tanoan Gendarmerie organized a sting to apprehend a dealer, however the sting turned to massacre when members of the Lance Rouge (Red Spear) tracked the vehicles Gendarmerie were standing by in, ready to detain the dealer. The gang members fired upon the waiting policemen, the Transit van the team were standing by in was disabled from the ricochet and the police inside were tragically all killed. Lance Rouge claimed the attack later on the same day. Since the incident the gang has had a major hand on the arms trade within the Horizon Islands. Local police have been noted to steer clear of known Lance Rogue locations of activity to prevent skirmishes that may result in civilian casualties. The Horizon Islands government has considered mobilizing elements of the Tanoan Defence Force (TDF) to enforce civil order however it was denied in parliament, whether by fear or corruption the gang has been left to its own devices. National Flag of the Horizon Islands The arms trade has been circulating out of Tanoa primarily for the last three years. Import of American made arms such as the M4 Platform have been spotted as recently as 2022, how the sellers acquired them is largely unknown. It has been suspected that the arms have come in from American citizens opening a network from the U.S however the likely indicator is the leftover surplus from Afghanistan, due to ongoing border skirmishes between Iran and Takistan the Taliban-controlled nation has grown drastically low on funds, due to allocation of funds to public sectors and defense budgeting, despite already using a majority of leftover arms, the Taliban Government have been seen selling off their vast collection to acquire funding likely to be reused in their defense forces by form of newer equipment and systems. As of June, gangs across Asia, such as Lance Rouge have been seen arming themselves with modern issue firearms and equipment. Similar to South American cartels. The gangs across Asia have been a highlighted concern by their host governments, Singapore have cracked down on crime by further arming to combat a possible influx of illegal sales by gangs. Thailand has already cracked down on gang activity but overall are prepared to reinforce. The only outstanding nation in the crackdown is the Horizon Islands. The Oceania based cluster of islands have seen very little development in police and security forces while gangs are on the rise, private companies have bought into the aid of security services such as Onyx Alpha.
  23. AAN Breaking: U.S Embassy Evacuated Over Rioting Turned Violent American diplomats and embassy staff were evacuated from the Takistan capital of Takmyr after a spike of attacks on American citizens and staff by terrorists affiliated with ISISNT. Members of the public amassed a riot outside of the U.S Embassy calling for the arrest of Embassy station chief Neil Barone Taron, it has been alleged in Takistani media that Taron was responsible for the bailing of staff member Mikaela Aubrite from a Takistan court for the case of manslaughter. Aubrite herself already fled the country back to the United States, Ministry of the Judiciary Omar Alid called for her extradition back to Takistan to face trial however allegedly Taron intervened. The riot became violent when one of the rioters, a suspected member of ISISNT, drew a firearm on contractors securing the perimeter. A firefight broke out on the embassy entrance between extremists among the crowd, as embassy staff secured the interior a car bomb detonated, forcing open the main gate. Armed members of the public along with marked members of ISISNT flooded the embassy grounds. Evacuation was called by Taron. Though the evacuation was a success it has been confirmed that at least 18 American citizens were killed in the attack; several Contractors, five Takistani-American citizens, two Marines and four Embassy staff. Images captured by locals showing U.S Marine Embassy Security Group personnel evacuating staff and civilians onto a U.S Army CH-47 Chinook from the rooftop of the U.S Embassy in Takmyr, Takistan
  24. AAN: Takistan National Police Detain 16 Involved In Espionage The Takistan National Police successfully arrest 16 men for allegedly spying on the Ministry of Defence Council Minister Farhad Esme. The group of men have been alleged to have been responsible for the active tracking the Minister's routine. Evidence found within the reported household used as their safehouse revealed documents and photographs analysing the day-to-day ongoings of Minister Esme. Afghan passports and ID were found on the detained individuals. The Evidence in question dates back to Esme's appointment to Council Minister in late-2022. Shockingly, members of Esme's family were found among the collected data. Minister Esme directly accused the Afghan Government of organizing an assassination plot. Despite the Government itself not commenting on the situation. The Government's Public Relations Twitter account posted a thread counter-accusing the Takistan Government of orchestrating this as an act to rally support against them, notably calling the "Western Gangsters" the "Real Puppet Masters". Takistani National Police Questioning Locals
  25. AAN: Takistan Rolls Out Bill To Modernize Armed Forces The Takistan Ministry of Defence pass a bill to modernize its armed forces amid concerns of an Afghan annexation. Council Minister Farhad Esme told AAN News "The defenders of Takistan require the necessary edge against those that threaten its people. This bill is our sign to the people that we are taking every step necessary to protect them." The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have accused by Takistan in 'plotting to annex land from Takistan'. While the Public Relations twitter stirs the metaphorical pot the Taliban-ran government have waived off these accusations, however ongoing training conducted by personnel within the Afghan Armed Forces indicate a significant spike in urban operations against threats using equal levels of military equipment. As unclaimed border skirmishes by either side continue to rise. Only time will tell. Takistan Armed Forces Conducting Urban Training Operations
  26. AAN: Sahrani Civil War - A Summary Sahrani has been in its second civil war for nearly three months, with a concerning similarity to the previous civil war that spanned fifteen years from 1999 to 2014. Due to the sporadic nature of the conflict and the lack of media coverage due to the severity of the fighting; the AAN have organized a chain of events listing Sahrani's history, relation to internal conflict - both modern and old. Early History Sahrani is an Atlantic-based island nation that hosts a majority Spanish-speaking population, with a religious split between Islam and Catholicism, the island was founded in the late 1800s by Spanish sailors outbound to the Americas. With the indigenous population integrated into Spanish culture during colonization. Sahrani saw peace and development during its early years, despite minor sputters between the two largest religions nothing came of it. Sahrani remained neutral despite the Spanish civil war that took place between 1936 - 1939. However by the time of the Cold War, Soviet Russian connections were established in efforts to spread Communism and align Sahrani under Russia's influence to use against the United States. With allegations of Russian troops aiding them, the Northern Sahrani Divisionists (NSD) and American-backed Sahrani Conservative Party (SCP) erupted into a proxy war, with propaganda and minor incidents such as shootings/hit & runs the minor conflict spanned from 1988 - 1991, when the USSR collapsed the NSD, now without direct support, quickly fell off the radar and SCP re-established civil order. The Sahrani Liberation Army The Sahrani Liberation Army (SLA), is an extremist-socialist organization with history dating back to the NSD fall-off. The SLA originally started as a small scale political party, however quickly drew into extremism in 1993 when a member of the NSD, Jorge Ingrid, was arrested by Sahrani National Police for his ties to the proxy conflict. Ingrid, despite having no links to the SLA was freed by the group when they stormed the police station where he was held, the attack resulted in a police vehicle getting firebombed, engulfing the officer inside after the doors were kept shut by SLA members. Ingrid commented on the affair in subtle support to the SLA when he made a statement over pirate radio. In 1999, President-Elect Jose Alamos III was assassinated while on a walk-around for public support during his preparation to be made figurehead of the country, he was shot at gunpoint by a passerby. The attack was claimed by the SLA. In response, the Sahrani National Guard (SNG) was activated to enforce an island-wide curfew and establish civil order after the affair. Widespread rioting occurred and the following week a teenager, participating in the riots, was killed by riot control accidentally. Support for the SLA spiked, with this sudden support the extremist group jumped on the opportunity to hit Government positions in efforts to take over. Sahrani Liberation Army Flag (Founding - Current) The Civil war, despite spanning fifteen years, was notably rather unremarkable despite its long spanning conflict, the SLA utilized equipment and weapon systems bought by the Sahrani government from the USSR after raiding surplus facilities. These raids resulted in an expanded arsenal of equipment which put the SLA at a near-peer level to the Royal Armed Corps of Sahrani (RACS) at the time. In 2014, the SLA and RACS agreed upon a ceasefire to host negotiations to de-escalate the conflict. The negotiations resulted in the majority disarming of local and national police forces around Sahrani with the National Guard being halved. Using the Civil war and the perceived victory over the government, the SLA's alleged political connection; the Sahrani Workers Party (SWP) to gain backing as an official political party and runner up to challenge the successor to the Sahrani Conservative Party; the Sahrani Democratic Party (SDP). During the political firestorm that cropped up as a result, the SLA fell off the radar similar to the NSD, however sporadic attacks by wannabe groups / imitators have been noted. Sahrani's Modern Crisis In early May of 2023, the SWP has made strides in the northern territory of Sahrani, with the current government helmed by the SDP sloping in terms of favourability, concern of the SLA striking again has been in the air since the civil war ended however with election turning the corner it was at an all time high. With the rising threat of an attack spreading across local media, RACS increased their training to intimidate any aspiring SLA attacks. With now-public intelligence from the Sahrani Intelligence Group (SIG) that the SLA have been slowly re-arming since the ceasefire, alertness was raised to an alltime high since the civil war. Due to the lack of armaments and the slow disappearance of supplies; the Sahrani Government called upon the United States for surplus and support. The United States responded with the deployment of Peacekeepers to back up the lacking numbers within the National Guard, as well as additional surplus to potentially rapidly arm police forces in the event of an attack. On the 5th of May, 2023 extremists took control of the Sahrani General Hospital, taking guests, staff and patients hostage. The Sahrani National Guard and National Police mobilized and initiated negotiations, the extremists now identified as members of the SLA demanded equipment and prisoners in exchange for the release of the hostages. Hostage rescue was conducted and the hostage takers were killed or detained. The SLA once again stepped in to claim the attack, making themselves known to the public once more. As the mobilization of troops foreign and local furthered sporadic conflict between the SLA and U.S/Sahrani Forces became more frequent. On the 22nd of May, National Guardsmen detained U.S Peacekeepers, with the suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder the Marines were held in the National Guard Garrison within Corazol East. When U.S Command called for the release of the personnel they were immediately denied, sparking suspicion by the SIG and U.S Command Staff overseeing the operation, a discussion was offered however was once again quickly refused. The hasty refusal and lack of transparency commonly known between the National Guard and Sahrani Interior sparked an investigation. Uncovering that since the drawdown in 2014-2020 members of the SLA acquired membership despite background checks as well as filtered surplus to cache locations across Sahrani. Once discovered, Sahrani Marines accompanied by the SIG and U.S Command Staff were mobilized to the Garrison. An argument ensued and allegedly a National Guardsman engaged, the firefight resulted in a chain of attacks across Sahrani by the SLA. It has been theorized that the SLA planned the takeover of the Sahrani Government by infiltrating the National Guard and organizing enough supplies to conduct a successful coup to force the Sahrani Workers Party into power. With the spring of attacks and contingents of the National Guard assisting SLA takeover operations across North Sahrani the Royal Armed Corps of Sahrani mobilized forces to combat the sudden conflict they were brought into. U.S Peacekeepers have largely held a neutral stance, assisting in humanitarian aid and protection of U.S infrastructure. The Spanish Embassy evacuated in mid-June of this year after attacks grew closer to Paraiso, the capital of Sahrani. Sahrani Liberation Army Fighters Taking A Picture With A Captured Member Of The Sahrani Local Police Since July, the SLA have entrenched in North Sahrani, using equipment they seized from Surplus depots, the National Guard and from attacks on RACS emplacements to further arm themselves. RACS have attempted a harsh air campaign however were vetoed by the SDP to prevent civilian casualties. The largely ground-focused operation by RACS has been enhanced by use of the Sahrani Navy, using Marines and Navy vessels to target SLA infrastructure from a safe distance. The end of the conflict shows no sign of being in sight however civilian support is largely split, the Sahrani Workers Party despite being a major factor in the civil war have publicly denounced the SLA, however behind closed doors SWP members have been noted to support the ongoing coup attempt. The SDP have called for the SWP to order the National Guard to disarm and surrender however the SWP have never responded to their demands, the National Guard; now technically under the SWP due to the coup has led to controversy and conspiracy regarding how long the National Guard was under the influence of the party. The ongoing situation is largely developing to nobody's favour, as targeted attacks by both RACS and the SLA have led to civilian casualties across the country. The AAN have been closely monitoring the situation despite the media blackout ordered by the SDP to conceal RACS Operations, while the SLA utilized social media sources such as Twitter, Telegram, Instagram and Truth Social to spread their message. Despite no ending in sight the Sahrani Democratic Party have promised that civil order will be established soon.
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About Us

Z Squadron is a well established realism unit with strong roots in the ArmA community dating back to 14th June 2019. Z Squadron emulates the Sabre Squadron of the same name in the United Kingdom's elite Special Boat Service. We are a United Kingdom based unit but accepts people from all over the world providing they can meet the attendance requirements of the unit and speak English fluently. Z Squadron holds its events every Wednesday and Sunday at 19:30 GMT/BST.

Z Squadron prides itself on being the peak of realism in the UKSF Milsim community. We prioritise maintaining a balance of fun and realism in both training and operations for all of our playerbase.

What To Expect?

The Special Boat Service (SBS) is one of the world's most renowned maritime special forces units, with a long history of tradition. Z Squadron is tasked with many different roles such as;

  • Offensive Actions
  • Maritime Counter-Terrorism
  • Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Applicants to Z Squadron will undergo a Joint Assessment and Selection, upon completion of the selection they will be assigned a patrol and moved onto further training modules to progress their career in the unit.

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